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Vray progress window in 5.2

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  • Vray progress window in 5.2

    Hello! I can't find where the progress window went? Now a log is in its place. I can't see the progress of render

  • #2
    The progress window is now on the VFB
    Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-11-07 11_45_46-Window.png
Views:	3252
Size:	33.8 KB
ID:	1129656


    • #3
      yes, I understand that, but where is the progress bar, according to which I could see when the render would end?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        In Rhino that happens at the lower right part of the VFB
        I guess it will be the same in SU

        Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-11-07 21_37_00-Window.png
Views:	2902
Size:	786.5 KB
ID:	1129669


        • #5
          Originally posted by javierrentas View Post
          In Rhino that happens at the lower right part of the VFB
          I guess it will be the same in SU

          Click image for larger version

Name:	2021-11-07 21_37_00-Window.png
Views:	2902
Size:	786.5 KB
ID:	1129669
          not in all cases progress is displayed in this field, sometimes different text from the log is written there. And in 5.1 and lower you can always open Vray Progress window with progress bar in percents, and it was wery comfortable


          • #6
            Hi VladKapustin,

            The progress window has been replaced by the new Log Window and is no longer availabale.
            The render progress should be visible in the VFB as mentioned by javierrentas.



            • #7
              Hi! Thanks for reply, konstantin_chaos, javierrentas
              the fact is that progress is not always displayed in that status bar. So I noticed this yesterday in my render. This line displays various render calculations. And these calculations are shown there throughout the entire render time. So I can't understand, how long will it take to render. If only progress will be seen in this status bar, it will be cool.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by VladKapustin; 08-11-2021, 04:10 AM.


              • #8
                Hello, Vlad,
                The bar's fill-up animation indicating the overall progress of each render stage is indeed missing. This is a bug that is now identified and will be solved in a hotfix we are currently preparing.
                Thank you for bringing our attention to it!

                Kind regards,
                Peter Chaushev
                V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner

