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Issues with lightmix and filmic tonemap

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  • Issues with lightmix and filmic tonemap

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-11-09 121938.png
Views:	356
Size:	817.8 KB
ID:	1129891Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-11-09 121923.png
Views:	229
Size:	792.5 KB
ID:	1129892

    After the update 2 with sketchup, the lightmix option is not giving perfect results like it does before. Even if i disable any light source (except dome light), there be still some glow left from that specific light source. more like a light leak from every corners. this makes no use of having a lightmix element. that i had to turn the lights off manually from asset editor. and another noticeable issue is, it seems that lights leaks a lot through surfaces, it did not happen before, for example, the mesh light inside a pendant with a metal cover, should not produce light above it, but that mesh light leaks lights to the ceiling through that metal cover of lamp. The 1st image is with a light inside the wine cooler in turned on, which is leaking to the nearby surfaces, 2nd image is that specific light is turned off.
    And the blue fix in Hejl-dawson type filmic tonemap is not working.
    Please give the solution for this, Thanks!
    Last edited by thanish_afridhi; 08-11-2021, 11:53 PM.

  • #2
    Hi thanish_afridhi,

    What you've described is very strange indeed.
    Can you share the project you used for testing?
    Even a simplified version of the scene works.

    Thank you in advance,


    • #3
      hi, thanks for the reply. As you can see in those images i've uploaded, how the light from inside the wine cooler affects the wall corners, it did not happen before the update. But this issue got resolved once i disable the auto exposure in camera. Yet, im pretty sure with auto exposure enabled, all the lights behaved perfectly. I'll try to upload a simplified scene if possible..



      • #4
        Hi thanish_afridhi,

        Are you rendering using the GPU engine?
        If that's the case I think I am able to reproduce the issue.



        • #5
          yes, im using GPU rendering. i did not try with cpu to check if the issue is resolved.. And also please consider that blue fix option in filmic tonemap is not working.

