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Global Illumination Settings

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  • Global Illumination Settings

    The Global Illumination Settings are not getting saved when saving a project since the last update.

    I mostly render my scenes with Irradiance Map + Light Cache.

    If i´m reopening my scene f.e. on the next day, the GI Settings are always resetted to Brute Force and Light Cache.

  • #2
    Hi LionHeart1985,

    I'm not able to reproduce the described behavior.
    Can you try reproducing it with a new simple scene and describe the exact steps?

    Note that if you switch to the CUDA or RTX engine Brute Force is enforced since the GPU engine does not support Irradiance Map.



    • #3
      Irradiance map doesn't work on GPU like what Konstantin said, and even for V-Ray(CPU) Irradiance map doesn't allow the use of light mix for example
      It was removed completely from Maya and 3Ds Max plugins. BF/LC is as fast and reliable now, and it offers better quality overall, it is the recommended way of using the recent V-Ray builds

      Muhammed Hamed
      V-Ray GPU product specialist


      • #4
        Hi! I´m very sorry, i couldn´t reproduce it as well. It seemed that the settings haven´t been saved several times but it´s not the case anymore. Anyway i appreciate your reply and efforts!


        • #5
          Hi LionHeart1985,

          I actually found one case in which the primary GI engine gets reset
          It goes as follows:
          1. Set the primary engine to IM
          2. Enable Interactive
          3. Change the render engine to CUDA and then back to CPU
          4. Disable Interactive --> The primary engine is set to BF
          We will address this issue in one of the upcoming updates (maybe not the first one we put out).

          Thank you for bringing my attention to this!



          • #6
            konstantin_chaos After a period of time and many projects we are working on currently, i can confirm that this issue is an issue.

            I have several Sketchup-V-Ray Projects in progress, which are stored on a NAS-System and i´m running into this problem constantly.

            The GI Settings we are setting up for the projects, which are "Irrediance Map" in the Primary Rays and "Light Cache" in the Secondary Rays get reset as soon i´m opening the files on the next day back to Brute Force and Light Cache.

            I´m working on the latest SU and V-Ray Version and keep my system updated all the time.

