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Renders stopping, maximum memory message

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  • Renders stopping, maximum memory message

    Ever since updating to the newest version: for SketchUp, 5.2002 projects that I have rendered before with the same setting are not rendering. I am getting renders that say finished but nothing renders. The settings in the asset editor have not changed since I last used this project. I realize this is a large file with a lot of textures but I have been able to use this in the past

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Image 2.jpg
Views:	307
Size:	103.4 KB
ID:	1132160

    Here's the Link to download the .vrscene file

  • #2

    Try adjusting the exposure(EV) maybe the scene is just too dark
    Click image for larger version

Name:	EV.JPG
Views:	249
Size:	21.7 KB
ID:	1132712
    Lower value there means brighter render output.
    If this doesn't help Try resetting to default settings with the button below
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Reset.JPG
Views:	275
Size:	18.2 KB
ID:	1132713
    And if this doesn't help, could you please upload the project for us to review?
    Please use the Pack Project tool(Extensions > V-Ray > Pack Project) and upload the zip that it will create in the request link below.
    Please include a link to this forum post in the request.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Hi blueman26,

      I've tested the attached vrscene and it seems to render fine.
      I did overwrite all the materials to avoid the missing textures and also enabled auto-exposure to get a reasonably exposed image and here's the result:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	test1.png
Views:	284
Size:	1.58 MB
ID:	1132789

      As slavcho.brusev suggested sharing the packed SU project would help us test further.
      A video recording of what's happening on your side would help.

      And also, please send us the entire render log if possible.
      You can easily get to the log file by opening the Log Window, then the small Open icon at the bottom and the log text file will be automatically selected.
      Just attach the file to a forum post or to the support ticket.

      Thank you in advance,


      • #4
        thanks I did that. For anyone else having this issue it was determined that I should roll back to the previous version and wait for the next version which will have a fix. I did that and it is working for me now with the previous version


        • #5
          Also experiencing same issue with latest version. Rolled back to version 1.5 and rendering works again.

