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Few problem with vray 5

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  • Few problem with vray 5

    Hello to all

    I'm writing this post because I've encountered several problems with Vray version 5.

    Some slowness problems especially, compared to the Next version. Vray 5 is definitely longer to load elements.

    After calling the french supplier of Vray," ELMTEC" the solution they proposed us is to use CUDA. We already use CUDA in the previous version, and the result was faster.

    There are also some problems that persist, like the HDRI that moves by itself when you switch between CUDA and RTX.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	JF CUDA 38,5.png
Views:	177
Size:	1.25 MB
ID:	1161723
    (CUDA and RTX did the same render)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	JF CPU 1m14.png
Views:	250
Size:	1.20 MB
ID:	1161719
    (CPU is the more accurate)

    Textures are also more blurred in RTX or CUDA and the Dirt texture does not appear anymore

    Click image for larger version

Name:	CPU.png
Views:	179
Size:	649.4 KB
ID:	1161720

    Click image for larger version

Name:	CUDA.png
Views:	184
Size:	611.8 KB
ID:	1161721

    Click image for larger version

Name:	RTX.png
Views:	182
Size:	617.3 KB
ID:	1161722

    (You notice that on these tests the hdri did not bug)

    We are working on a server, yes we tried to update the drivers, and we got newer and more powerful pc's, and the problems still persist.

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz
    64.0 GB
    Nvidia RTX 2000

    I write this message because I confess I have no answer. Thanks to all of you!

  • #2
    Please excuse us that we've somehow missed this topic, jos_fichet.

    In similar situations please be informed that we are also receiving questions via our contact form.
    When you open it you will see the important initial information that we need:
    • exact V-Ray version (could be easily found from Extensions > V-Ray > Help > About)
    • exact host platform version
    • OS type and version (here is visible that it is Windows)
    Best in such cases is to share the file by using Extensions > V-Ray > Pack Project.
    In GPU mode the HDRI looks stretched, yes. Like its UVW Placement isn't calculated right.
    Main simple tests could be:
    • revert settings to Default from V-Ray Asset Editor
    • create a new V-Ray Dome Light (default settings) and attach the same HDRI
    • assign to the existing V-Ray Dome Light another HDRI and check is the issue still there
    • GPU supported features - VRayDirt is only partially supported on GPU
    As mentioned, best is to check the file itself.
    Be also aware that the recommended from Chaos driver version is listed here: and now is 512.59.

    Excuse us once more for the missed opportunity of helping you on time.
    Tsvetomira Girginova |
    3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


    • #3
      Hi jos_fichet

      You are right there are a lot of issues with vray gpu, really a lot.

      Even with vray 6 is the same issues... there is not develop for vray gpu.

      I simply dont know what to say... vray cpu is so much better that vray gpu.

      For me it is a great disapointment because issues are keep bringing from one versión to another versión

      They dont resolve what we need... rtx engine takes so much vram, the blured textures, the lack of unsupported things.

      So as a vray gpu user i want to keep my licence as it is today with vray 6... but i dont want issues again, i dont want to suffer again i just want to be happy with vray gpu.


