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  • 4090...slow?

    Have just updated from Vray 6 & RTX3090FE to 6.1 & 4090FE
    Card seems to take ages to load in everything and does it with every single subsequent render in the same model whereas once in a model Vray typical just gets on with it before be that Vray 5 or 6, 2080ti or 3090.
    Saw this in the Log Window....anything?
    Warning [V-Ray] Num samples per thread reduced to 32768, rendering might be slower
    Typically, when you install a new driver or a new card etc. you have it need to load all the optix and stuff once, but this seems to go through a load of stuff before even starting to render now.

  • #2
    Dear jason_cafferty, hello.

    Here two factors are involved:
    • changing the graphics card
    • changing the V-Ray version
    Let's see what to look at:
    1. Is it happening in every project - even in newly created simple ones
    2. Driver version - is it the same as the one recommended from us - see
    The warning shouldn't bother you, but thank you for noticing it.
    If the issue is more visible only in certain scenes, will be appreciated to share one with us.
    Possible is to share it here as archive or via our contact form and add this forum link in the description.
    A video showing what exactly you are experiencing will be beneficial too.

    Best regards,
    Tsvetomira Girginova |
    3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


    • #3
      I went straight onto official NVidia Studio Driver version 522.30 when installing the 4090 with custom / clean install option. I did note on my last render that when watching the Log, it said I was using a newer driver than currently supported so definitely something to consider.
      The project I was having issue with was created on Vray 6 first release.
      I will do some more testing when I get a chance, really snowed under with other work at the moment unfortunately.
      In words though, the little slot of info under the VFB where progress is shown has various info as it fires up. On all versions of Vray 5, a 2080ti and then 2 years of 3090 use, you get a few things then it gets on with it. This time on the 4090, it seemed to go through no end of stuff before actually getting down to the business of actually rendering the scene.


      • #4
        Thank you for the details!

        We have to be sure is something in the scene causing this.
        That's why the simple scene test is always recommended.

        Take a look when you have time.
        We will wait for your response.

        Wishing you a wonderful week.
        Tsvetomira Girginova |
        3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us

