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Poor quality image when you save jpg

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  • Poor quality image when you save jpg

    Hello everyone,

    Once the render is finished, if you save in jpeg format, the compression is so high that it destroys the quality of the image.
    I can't insert there render image for business reasons, but I show you the file information. The renders are at 2560x1440 high+.

    V-Ray for Mac, version is the latest available.​

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-12-01 alle 09.57.52.png
Views:	786
Size:	45.0 KB
ID:	1166775

  • #2
    Hi luca_militello​,

    There are two ways for saving images from V-Ray:
    1. From the Save button in the VFB.
      In case the compression applied to the image can not be controlled.
      This is a limitation that we recently identified and will resolve in the future.
    2. Auto-saving at render end - described here
      In this case you have access to some compression options and you can ensure that the jpg quality is at 100% for example.
    Keep in mind that there is always a compression applied to jpg images and the size of the jpg is always going to be considerably smaller than the one of the bitmap (bmp).



    • #3
      Hi Konstantin,

      For now my solution is to save in .bmp, I did several tests and it is the best result for now, the jpeg compression is too much, I hope with the next update it will be fixed, also because I don't know is it a bug of vray or your choice to compress so much.
      Unfortunately I can't send you the images, but the compression is so high that it really ruins the render with artifacts, textures like parquet can be seen badly.

      Kind regards.


      • #4
        As I said jpg images are always compressed and can never match the clarity of a bitmap.
        However you might wanna consider saving out PNGs because they'll give you reasonable compression without any quality degradation.

        As far as the Save button in the VFB is concerned:
        I had a talk with the dev team and the compression options are intentionally not linked to the Asset Editor settings.
        What we should do instead to give you more control is to add compression options in the VFB itself.


