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Textures lose proportions

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  • Textures lose proportions

    Hi everyone,
    i usually create new materials directly from the asset editor in this way: create new material, open color correction in the diffuse texture and open a bitmap file in the texture slot of the color correction.

    Now i have an issue that, if i use the color correction, the texture imported loses its proportions become a square.

    This is the moment when i import a new bitmap texture in the diffuse texture slot:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-02-10 173122.png
Views:	158
Size:	1.01 MB
ID:	1201779
    As u can see the texture is imported correctly, manteining its proportions.

    This is the moment whe in wrap in the color correction:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-02-10 173143.png
Views:	161
Size:	1.05 MB
ID:	1201780
    The texture became a square.

    I can easly write down the proportion before and rewrite it after the color correction application, but i wonder if there is an other way to do this automatically. In the previous works this never happended.

    Thanks everyone
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Thank you damiano_corradini for reporting this issue.

    We are able to reproduce the same behavior as you have described it on our side.
    The issue is logged internally with the number SK-4808 and I have added your forum post to it.​
    Rossen Rangelov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi damiano_corradini​,

      What you've demonstrated is actually the expected behaviour.
      The reason why the texture is changing once you add the correction is that we internally bake a new texture to show you the correction in the viewport.
      And we always bake a square texture.

      To disable this Baking you can navigate to the Texture Binding options of the V-Ray material and set the Texture Mode to Auto instead of Bake.
      This way, the texture aspect will be preserved but you'll not see the color corrections in the viewport.

      We will investigate ways in which this system can be improved.
      Unfortunately we are quite limited by SketchUp.



      • #4
        Hi konstantin_chaos, thank you very much for your reply!

