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Odd material issues

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  • Odd material issues

    I upgraded cosmos and then decided to install the latest vray version today.

    I'm trying to bang out a crap little project and I'm getting a lot of grief.

    I downloaded a wood texture from cosmos but no matter what I do, I cant get the texture to rotate 90. I can't figure out if sketchup decides the UV or if VRay does.

    I sen't a request to cosmos that they should make soldier course versions for all their brick materials as the Vray brick material was fine but I couldn't tweak to to be a soldier course. I tried to replace the maps for the brick material with ones from polligon but that was just a mess.

  • #2
    Hello patrick_anderson,
    Thank you for your post.

    One option is to rotate textures in V-Ray. Open Asset Editor, go to UVW Placement material settings and change Rotate value. Note that these changes are visible in render, but not in SketchUp viewport.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Rotate_UVW_placement.jpg
Views:	149
Size:	412.5 KB
ID:	1203055

    To be able to control texture mapping and see it in the viewport use SketchUp Texture tools. To do that make sure to go inside Group or Component and select Face. Right Click on Face and Select Texture > Position.
    For more details on this functionality please check this tutorial.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Rotate_Sketchup.jpg
Views:	189
Size:	447.8 KB
ID:	1203054

    Additionally, you may consider using available Extensions such as FredoTools ThruPaint, SketchUV or Eneroth Texture Positioning Tools.

    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Natalia Gruzdova |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us

