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Material's diffuse color is lost at certain angles

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  • Material's diffuse color is lost at certain angles

    I imported Chaos Cosmos Rug 005 which renders nicely when viewed from above (at angles close to perpendicular to the face), but gets looks grey when viewed from a low angle. What is happening?

  • #2
    Update - I think I found the problem: The SectionPlane setting for "Camera Rays Only" was not checked, which was allowing a huge amount of light into the scene, causing the rug to wash out at a low angle.
    Last edited by arantza_alvarado; 29-02-2024, 08:52 AM.


    • #3
      Hello arantza_alvarado,
      Thank you for the update on your case!

      I wanted to add that another reason why light is distributed differently depending on the point of view is the Sheen parameter in the material of the rug. You can see its properties once you have merged Cosmos Asset and switched to Advanced settings.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Sheen_Rug_005.jpg
Views:	153
Size:	186.8 KB
ID:	1203512

      You are welcome to read more about Sheen in our documentation.​
      Natalia Gruzdova |
      Chaos Support Representative | contact us

