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Vray Vision animation export issue

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  • Vray Vision animation export issue

    I am using sketchup 2019 and the latest version of Vray 6 with microsoft 11, gpu rtx 4080.. I set two scenes with scene delay zero and transition ten sec. Animation was on in vray settings with medium plus and progressive with rtx choosen.. When i push play button it stays on the first scene entire animation, i thougt may be export works and i export as video and the same frame for entire ten seconds.. I thought may be rtx was the problem, i tried with cpu and non progressive but nothing changed.. Am i doing something wrong?

    Edit. Camera is set two point perspective.. I change it to perspective and it works now. I watched e few video about topic including chaos official video there was no mention about camera settings, or may be i missed it..
    Last edited by kenancakir; 03-04-2024, 03:37 AM.

  • #2
    Hello kenancakir,
    Thank you for your post.

    I was not able to replicate the issue with a Two-point perspective as you have described it.
    I have created test scenes with the latest V-Ray 6.20.02 version and SketchUp 2019 (also checked 2023) and both Image sequence and Video are rendering successfully. I made sure to replicate your animation settings as well - Scene delay = 0, Scene transition = 10 seconds. Therefore please note that Two-point perspective cameras can be rendered.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1205807_vision_animation.jpg
Views:	220
Size:	262.7 KB
ID:	1205898

    When i push play button it stays on the first scene entire animation
    Possibly there was an issue with SketchUp animation itself, you could try to delete Scenes and recreate them.

    Animation was on in vray settings with medium plus and progressive with rtx choosen
    Also I would like to point out that render engine and quality selection in V-Ray Asset Editor applies to V-Ray production animation, while Vision is a separate render engine that always renders with GPU and has its own settings for quality, resolution etc.
    Attached Files
    Natalia Gruzdova |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Originally posted by natalia.gruzdova View Post
      Hello kenancakir,
      I was not able to replicate the issue with a Two-point perspective as you have described it.
      Thank you. When i saw your answer i tried again and now it works with two point perspective. I am making tests on a scene, if something unexpected happens i will post under this topic.

