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Scatter how can I make sure that the objects do not go out of the edge of the surface

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  • Scatter how can I make sure that the objects do not go out of the edge of the surface

    Click image for larger version

Name:	SketchUp_LlKjA3eCbE.jpg
Views:	249
Size:	218.2 KB
ID:	1212966every time I insert objects on a scatter area I can't make sure that they do not go out of the edge of the area what should I select thanks​

  • #2
    Offset the scatter area about 10 (app. the same size of the grass) cm, make it group and scatter the grass that fits in the area not rectangle grass, one tile one..


    • #3
      Hello, alexpacio2015​.

      We implemented Edge Trimming option for Scatter that will be available in our next major V-Ray version.
      Another way to avoid the unwanted scattered guests for now is to use the Area Modifiers with Exclude operation. An added object in the Add Modifier's list will generate projected area of exclusion. More information and examples can be found here: Area Modifiers Rollout.

      Kind regards,
      Ivelina Mincheva
      V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


      • #4
        Originally posted by ivelina_mincheva View Post
        Hello, alexpacio2015​.

        We implemented Edge Trimming option for Scatter that will be available in our next major V-Ray version.
        Another way to avoid the unwanted scattered guests for now is to use the Area Modifiers with Exclude operation. An added object in the Add Modifier's list will generate projected area of exclusion. More information and examples can be found here: Area Modifiers Rollout.

        Kind regards,
        Thanks I'm waiting for the new version in the meantime but I'll try the solution you suggested I would like to know how I can create a completely transparent object to be able to include scatter inside in practice I tried to create a transparent material but at the point of contact it still creates a trace


        • #5
          Originally posted by alexpacio2015 View Post

          Thanks I'm waiting for the new version in the meantime but I'll try the solution you suggested I would like to know how I can create a completely transparent object to be able to include scatter inside in practice I tried to create a transparent material but at the point of contact it still creates a trace
          A simple solution for no artifacts/traces is avoiding the overlapping faces that causes them. The good thing is that the Area modifiers uses the projection of the added object, so the actual object can be below or above the Scatter's host surface. Then a transparent material can be used for the area modifier's object.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Scatter-Area_modifiers-example.png
Views:	156
Size:	610.3 KB
ID:	1213118

          Additionally, the Falloff Near and Far options can be used to adjust the distance of a gradual fading effect from the area modifier object and to achieve better or more interesting results.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	Falloff_Near_effect-example.png Views:	0 Size:	844.6 KB ID:	1213116
          Let me know if this information helps.
          If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask.

          Last edited by ivelina_mincheva; 31-07-2024, 01:50 AM.
          Ivelina Mincheva
          V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


          • #6
            Originally posted by ivelina_mincheva View Post

            A simple solution for no artifacts/traces is avoiding the overlapping faces that causes them. The good thing is that the Area modifiers uses the projection of the added object, so the actual object can be below or above the Scatter's host surface. Then a transparent material can be used for the area modifier's object.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Scatter-Area_modifiers-example.png
Views:	156
Size:	610.3 KB
ID:	1213118

            Additionally, the Falloff Near and Far options can be used to adjust the distance of a gradual fading effect from the area modifier object and to achieve better or more interesting results.
            Click image for larger version Name:	Falloff_Near_effect-example.png Views:	0 Size:	844.6 KB ID:	1213116
            Let me know if this information helps.
            If you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask.

            Thanks, you have been really helpful. Now I ask you, if I want the exclusion objects to be transparent, what material should I match them with? Because any transparency I create, they can be seen anyway. I attach transparent material.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Originally posted by alexpacio2015 View Post

              Thanks, you have been really helpful. Now I ask you, if I want the exclusion objects to be transparent, what material should I match them with? Because any transparency I create, they can be seen anyway. I attach transparent material.
              Thank you!
              Your transparent material looks good to me. As long as there are no overlapping faces between the transparent object's geometry and other faces, it should work fine. A good practice is to use 3D objects instead of just surfaces. You can also try to add an attribute "Raytrace Properties" to a material and make it invisible with disabling the options: Visible to Camera, Visible in Reflections, Visible in Refractions and Cast Shadows.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Attribute-Raytrace_Properties.png
Views:	150
Size:	109.3 KB
ID:	1213222
              If you still have issues with transparency objects, you can send a test scene using the pack project option (V-Ray>Pack Project...) through our support portal ( with the link from this forum topic in the message, so we can investigate it.

              Ivelina Mincheva
              V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | QA


              • #8
                Originally posted by ivelina_mincheva View Post

                Thank you!
                Your transparent material looks good to me. As long as there are no overlapping faces between the transparent object's geometry and other faces, it should work fine. A good practice is to use 3D objects instead of just surfaces. You can also try to add an attribute "Raytrace Properties" to a material and make it invisible with disabling the options: Visible to Camera, Visible in Reflections, Visible in Refractions and Cast Shadows.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Attribute-Raytrace_Properties.png
Views:	150
Size:	109.3 KB
ID:	1213222
                If you still have issues with transparency objects, you can send a test scene using the pack project option (V-Ray>Pack Project...) through our support portal ( with the link from this forum topic in the message, so we can investigate it.

                Thanks, you were quick and explanatory, congratulations

