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Error when rendering a section

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  • Error when rendering a section

    Hi, I'm trying to render a scene of a section and, as you can see in the image I see some white shapes, at first I thought it was a thing of the windows, which are right where the section plane, but moving the section these squares changed shape, and I realized that coincides with the decoration that is in the kitchen.Click image for larger version

Name:	Prueba render.png
Views:	257
Size:	510.8 KB
ID:	1218231
    If I hide some pieces of the kitchen, these white marks disappear. I thought it was a graphic thing, but it only happens to me in this scene, if I render with the same section another floor of the building, I don't get this.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Captura de pantalla 2024-10-17 112216.png
Views:	208
Size:	289.3 KB
ID:	1218232Click image for larger version

Name:	Prueba render 2.png
Views:	210
Size:	599.7 KB
ID:	1218233

    What could be happening and how can I solve it? Thanks!!

  • #2
    Hello joaqun_gmezespinosa, thank you for your post,

    If it’s okay, we would like to have a look at your scene in our environment. To do this, please open a new ticket in our system using this form, where you can attach your packed scene. Make sure to use our Pack Project Tool, as shown in this example.

    It will be helpful if you paste the link from this forum post into the ticket so we can identify that the issue is related to your forum post.
    Rossen Rangelov |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us​


    • #3
      I think I'm dealing with a similar problem (see my post). Do you have any solution yet?


      • #4
        Originally posted by tanja_brandt View Post
        I think I'm dealing with a similar problem (see my post). Do you have any solution yet?
        They solved it for me, but they didn't know what the error was, I sent a message directly to support with the link to the post and the packaged project.


        • #5
          In this particular project, copying the geometry to a new empty scene and purging the original scene was helpful. Additionally, some of the groups needed to be exploded before regrouping the objects again. After completing these steps, all the geometry was properly positioned again and rendered without the artifacts.
          Please keep in mind the following when using V-Ray Clipper:
          • V-Ray Clipper works best with "closed" objects. The results on open objects (without a corresponding back face) are not well defined.
          • Currently, the V-Ray Clipper may produce artifacts if there are overlapping triangles in the scene, regardless of whether they are part of the same object or not.
          As every project is unique, there could be different reasons for these artifacts, but following these practices can help to avoid them.
          Rossen Rangelov |
          Chaos Support Representative | contact us​

