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Gaussian splatting for V-Ray 7

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  • Gaussian splatting for V-Ray 7

    Hello, I tried to use Gaussian splatting option in ne​w V-Ray7 for Sketchup but when I'm uploading the .ply file I can see only white cube and nothing is visible in render view. I'm loading the file by "Import proxxy" button and I tried already few different .ply files. I use SketchUp Pro 2022. What am I doing wrong?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Zrzut ekranu (54).png
Views:	156
Size:	627.6 KB
ID:	1224704

  • #2
    Hey ukasz_szymanek,
    The Gaussian splats should work out of the box. It is likely the issue you have experienced is limited to the particular files you have attempted to load.
    Can you please try the .ply file found in the sample scene available for download at ?
    Let me know if that works.

    Be advised that not all *.ply files contain Gaussian splatting. Any data captured by 3D Scanners or generated as point cloud can be stored within.
    If you are certain the files contain Gaussian Splatting data, please share with us one of the problematic files (and info about their source) with us for testing we should be able to tell more.
    Last edited by Peter.Chaushev; 15-01-2025, 09:44 AM.
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner

