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bump & transparency

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  • bump & transparency

    ok guys, a new problem (?) for you:

    i'm tryng to render a net, so i've made a painted surface in SU and created my linked material. Then i try to give transparency & bump to this surface, but:

    - i must give transparency after each render (yes, i click on "apply" before launch the render)
    - i use the same texture for the both effect (a b/w jpeg) but i see in the material preview just tue bump effect: no transparency!
    - last but not least: i don't see any effect (bump & transp) in the final render!

    what did i wrong?

    here is a screenshot with the bump & transp values (you can see the material preview)

  • #2
    bump & transparency

    Check out tutorial C to explain how to handle decals in our current material system. It is specific to V-Ray for Rhino, but the material editor stuff is the same.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      bump & transparency

      tnks joeb! nice tutorial... i've read it and followed the instructions, but maybe i've found a "bug" (?)
      I've made the set up of the diffuse and transparent channel (then click "apply").
      When i close the material editor (or launch the render) i can't see any map. So i re-enter the material editor but the material that i've edited is still without the diffuse and transparent channel ! ! !

      That drive me crazy! Is it just my beta 3? Or is it me...

      EDIT: i've tryed with a "new vray material" and now the net (map+transparency) works. So the problem was just with a SU linked material...


      • #4
        bump & transparency

        Yeah - you can't modify the read-only diffuse layer of a linked material. That layer is made based on the SketchUp material you are linking to. So perhaps you should just be making a regular VRayMtl
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group

