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Porbelem rendering grouped objects

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  • Porbelem rendering grouped objects

    Sketchup grouping issues. When i create simple objects that i want to repeat i group a bunch of objects then create a component.

    When i render these components or just groups, it seems like when they are nested they will not be rendered. My solution for this now is to ungroup (explode) all these to seperate objects.
    Fluke73<br />==============================<br /> - private (has gallery)<br /> - my company

  • #2
    Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

    Ok - I'll take a look into that, I thought our groups were ok. Does this happen when you try the simplest of grouping operations or does it seem to happen with heavily nested grouping? Perhaps you could share the component or group with me so I could see whats happening behind the scenes. Feel free to email it to me if you can.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

      Same problem here
      It's killing me.......
      I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it before


      • #4
        Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

        Oh... im glad someone is having the same problems.

        Joe. Just create some nested objects grouped and so on and see them disapear
        Fluke73<br />==============================<br /> - private (has gallery)<br /> - my company


        • #5
          Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

          My finding was that this issue is more or less related to the hierarchy levels that you have in the group.

          As joe said, if it was simplest grouping, it should be fine.

          However as you subsequentily group within groups, that should cause "no render" problems.

          My solution strategy is to make a copy for rendering purpose. It has less hierarchys or simply explode all. Any editing of the model should be done in the original version.

          This problem occured not only on the VfS, but also on other sketchup renders as Artlantis and so on.


          • #6
            Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

            Could anyone with this issue please send me a file that shows it? I wasn't able to reproduce it myself and would love to resolve this issue. Email it to or upload it to . If you have any issues sending the scene please let me know. Thanks!
            Best regards,
            Joe Bacigalupa

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

              Has anyone solved this issue ?


              • #8
                Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                I having problems with groups inside groups that is not rendered - is this a bug ?


                • #9
                  Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                  No one has sent me a scene that demonstrated this bug, and I've never came across it. Could you send me your file so I can fix this? Thanks - I listed details on how to send me a file a couple posts above.
                  Best regards,
                  Joe Bacigalupa

                  Chaos Group


                  • #10
                    Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                    I am having similar problems, and have uploaded the sketchup file in question to your FTP site.
                    "nested object rendering bug.skp"

                    I have been able to solve this problem thru exploding, however, the full model has so many copies of components, that it would take me the better part of a day to go through them all and explode them

                    Any help is appreciated !


                    • #11
                      Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                      I found a ruby script called bomb that explodes all components and groups in the scene.

                      You can find it here: for free.

                      Hope this helps.


                      • #12
                        Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                        I have found out, that if some groups won't render, just save the model, restart Sketchup and try again.

                        This solved my problem, but it is a bit annoying.



                        • #13
                          Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                          I'd tried that many times. Even rebooted the computer several times. I am glad it works for you, but it has not worked for me.

                          I have had this problem with complex (60meg) models, and simple models that are nothing more than 3 boxes with default material. It seems to be a minor bug, and hopefully it can be fixed, since rebooting isn't helping me.


                          • #14
                            Re: Porbelem rendering grouped objects

                            Originally posted by Jorgensen
                            I have found out, that if some groups won't render, just save the model, restart Sketchup and try again.

                            This solved my problem, but it is a bit annoying.
                            That does seem annoying. I'm not sure why restarting Sketchup would fix the grouping issue.

                            Originally posted by michaelmasengarb@architek
                            I am having similar problems, and have uploaded the sketchup file in question to your FTP site.
                            "nested object rendering bug.skp"

                            I have been able to solve this problem thru exploding, however, the full model has so many copies of components, that it would take me the better part of a day to go through them all and explode them
                            Thanks for sending along the scene - I'll see what I can find out
                            Best regards,
                            Joe Bacigalupa

                            Chaos Group

