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Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

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  • Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

    Guys please help me. Since i install SR1 version. everytime i apply the material onto any non flat surface. the SU crash. i try to unintall Vray SR1. Then Su back to normal. so i pretty sure is SR1 problem. Even i try to import CAD model into SU. once i apply material on any face of the model. It crash.

    Urgent to get help. need to finish 3 job in 2 weeks.

  • #2
    Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

    When you apply a Vray material to a high poly object, such as curved surfaces you have to be very patient.
    It needs a lot of calculation time.
    If you have the layer toolbar open (with that yellow box), you will see it starts flickering when you apply a vraymtl to such an object. Don't move your mouse until the flickering stops. Sometimes it means even waiting for half an hour....
    And sometimes the polycount is just too high and it crashes anyway.

    It's just the way Sketchup is programmed (very badly if you ask me) and not really Vrays fault.

    However, from a coders point of view it IS possible to avoid it (note : I am not a coder).
    The Skindigo plugin seems to overcome this issue. It is written very clever to handle these things.
    I invite Asgvis team to download it and examin how things are done. Indigo is not a competition to Vray as it is an unbiased engine, but the render plugin is written very 'KISS' (Keep.It.Simple.Stupid)....


    • #3
      Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

      Hi Biebel,
      Thanks for your suggestion. the problem i have is not like that easy. I try to unintall Vray SR1. Then i do the same action to apply the material. it's was fine. Sadly once i reintall Vray SR1 into SU. Problem come out. I can't aplly any material on any flat surface even the surface on angel. Once i apply the material. Programe closed then Bug splash diagrame comes out.

      By the way i am intalling VRAY SR1 academic version. Is there anyone have the same problems. Or vray helper can look at that serious issue?



      • #4
        Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

        I had reported a similar problem, where the crash happened when I tried to applied a texture directly in sketchup. I was advised that the workaround is:-
        first add the textured material to the model (right click the material and choose add to model), you should be able to use the paintbucket tool to apply that material while selecting it from the "In Model" section.

        Sketchup 2015
        Vray version 2.00


        • #5
          Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

          hi dcauldwell, you are right. I need to create the material in Vray then apply to the object first in the first time. after that then i can use the paint on to any other face.
          that's meant the bug is between the link of vray material and su material. I am supprise not many user find out this simply tast just a su normal way to apply the material. ??????????
          I hope Vray guys can look up this serious problem.
          i knew you guys working hard on that but the vray for 3ds max is quite developed. if this is the only little bug and make it the right version coming as quick as you guy can. a lot of customer will jump back to using vray for 3ds max or something else. the su users is dramatically increase in % very high from other 3d software. hope you guys won't diappoint to them.
          good luck

          Thanks to dcauldwell again


          • #6
            Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

            Hey guys, we just fixed the bug that dcauldwell mentioned, yesterday. A new version was posted on our site today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
            Best regards,
            Devin Kendig

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

              Originally posted by dkendig
              Hey guys, we just fixed the bug that dcauldwell mentioned, yesterday. A new version was posted on our site today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
              Asgvis is doing good !!!
              Those quicker updates are good service.


              • #8
                Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                well done. guys.
                I like your passion of the improvement for the software. But remember ..keep working hard

                Thank you very much to taking that problem seriously.

                Well done


                • #9
                  Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                  Originally posted by dkendig
                  Hey guys, we just fixed the bug that dcauldwell mentioned, yesterday. A new version was posted on our site today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
                  I see the uploaded data had changed, but it still says 1.00.70.
                  Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                  • #10
                    Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                    And while the File Date also claims 06 Jun 2008, I do actually get 1.00.71. Might be worth updating the download page info.

                    Also, is there an updated manual somewhere?
                    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                    • #11
                      Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                      Thanks for the heads up, I'll see if I can get someone to update that info for you guys. The manual has been revamped as of SR1 official release. There should not be any updates to the manual until the next big release of our product. We don't plan on adding any features or changing the workflow of anything until then. We are still trying to fix a couple bugs that popped up after the official SR1 release though, so there might be another minor updated posting soon.
                      Best regards,
                      Devin Kendig

                      Chaos Group


                      • #12
                        Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                        Thanks for the info.
                        The only thing I miss in VrayforSU for the moment would be proxies/instancing.
                        As no features are going to be added for a next big release, I hope it will be on top of the list for the release after that.
                        (any idea about a time frame for that? ).

                        The ability to have proxies/instancing could be the way to overcome the crashing of SU on high poly models.


                        • #13
                          Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                          As no features are going to be added for a next big release, I hope it will be on top of the list for the release after that.
                          I think you may have misunderstood what I said

                          There should not be any updates to the manual until the next big release of our product. We don't plan on adding any features or changing the workflow of anything until then.
                          I said that there will not be any new features or workflow changes until the next big release.

                          (any idea about a time frame for that? ).
                          We have just started the preplanning process... so no. It took us about a year to release this last version, and we hope to have a smoother development process this time around, but at the same time, we're taking on some bigger tasks this time... so we'll have to see. For a rule of thumb, don't even ask about an ETA until at least... November. By then we should have a pretty good idea of how much longer it will take us to pump the next version out. (Note, I did not say we'll have the product anywhere near finished by November, I just said that we should have an ETA by then, I hope nobody misunderstands this).
                          Best regards,
                          Devin Kendig

                          Chaos Group


                          • #14
                            Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface


                            (You were talking about the manual updates. My mistake.)


                            • #15
                              Re: Vray SR1 crash when apply the material on non-flat surface

                              Originally posted by dkendig
                              Thanks for the heads up, I'll see if I can get someone to update that info for you guys. The manual has been revamped as of SR1 official release. There should not be any updates to the manual until the next big release of our product. We don't plan on adding any features or changing the workflow of anything until then. We are still trying to fix a couple bugs that popped up after the official SR1 release though, so there might be another minor updated posting soon.
                              The SU Manual and Manual Scenes downloads are broken. I can't download either of them. Tried with Firefox and IE. Also, when clicking the download button it opens the link in both the current window and a new popup window.
                              Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.

