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error 127 when loading SU

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  • error 127 when loading SU


    I have a problem loading Vray, getting this message on startup all the time:
    "Error Loading File VRayForSketchUp.rb
    127: The specified procedure could not be found.
    C:/Program Files/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/"

    I have tried to follow the guide in this thread:
    but with no result.

    It is like there is a broken path somewhere, but I can´t find it.

    Any suggestions out there?

    Cheers Dresso

  • #2
    Re: error 127 when loading SU

    Originally posted by dresso

    I have a problem loading Vray, getting this message on startup all the time:
    "Error Loading File VRayForSketchUp.rb
    127: The specified procedure could not be found.
    C:/Program Files/Google SketchUp 6/Plugins/"

    I have tried to follow the guide in this thread:
    but with no result.

    It is like there is a broken path somewhere, but I can�t find it.

    Any suggestions out there?

    Cheers Dresso
    If you're using a later version of Windows than XP, try setting compatability mode of the installer to "Windows XP SP3" and be sure to right click and run with Administrator privelidges when you install.


    • #3
      Re: error 127 when loading SU

      getting the same thing, i click ok and vray works but how do we fix this ?


      • #4
        Re: error 127 when loading SU

        You have remains of an old version.
        Uninstall all entires of V-Ray from the control panel - then ensure the Plugins folder does not contain any VfSU files or folder. Then reinstall.
        Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.

