Recently run into a very frustrating recurrent bug. Working as normal in SU I deleted a load of geometry and purged the file- all unused materials, components, etc disappeared as you'd expect, including from VfSU's Material Editor. However, after closing and reopening the skp file all the materials reappear, both in the SU Material Editor and the VfSU Material Editor.
I've seen this behavior in 3 skp/VfSU files so far and not only is it reproducable, it appears to be almost impossible to fix at this end. Only workaround I've found is to save out the visopt of the affected file and vismats for all the materials, open a fresh skp file, copypaste all geometry into the new file, load the saved visopt and import the saved vismats. This really isn't even a viable workaround as a) it's a huge amount of work and b) the next time you purge it's the same problem all over again.
I can email affected models to ASGvis if necessary.
I've seen this behavior in 3 skp/VfSU files so far and not only is it reproducable, it appears to be almost impossible to fix at this end. Only workaround I've found is to save out the visopt of the affected file and vismats for all the materials, open a fresh skp file, copypaste all geometry into the new file, load the saved visopt and import the saved vismats. This really isn't even a viable workaround as a) it's a huge amount of work and b) the next time you purge it's the same problem all over again.
I can email affected models to ASGvis if necessary.