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Sketchup Crashes "Not enough space in TEMP folder" error msg

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  • Sketchup Crashes "Not enough space in TEMP folder" error msg

    While rendering a scene, I get this error, ONLY WHEN I TURN ON A LAYER WHICH HAS THE DESKS IN THIS OFFICE FLOOR.

    The error message says:

    "Unable to create the error report.

    Please verify there is enough space in your TEMP folder."

    How can I allocate more memory to the TEMP folder? where is it?

    someone please help.

  • #2
    Re: Sketchup Crashes "Not enough space in TEMP folder" error msg

    The default ASGvis Temp location is: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGvis\Temp"
    Check if you have enough space on your C: drive.
    SU 8
    VfS 1.48.89
    Win 7 64-bit


    • #3
      Re: Sketchup Crashes "Not enough space in TEMP folder" error msg

      error is still there, I have 90gb of free space in my hard drive.


      • #4
        Re: Sketchup Crashes "Not enough space in TEMP folder" error msg

        By coincidence I just ran into this bug today for the first time in 3 years of using VfSU. A skp file which previously rendered dozens of times without problem suddenly came up with the error message "Unable to create the error report. Please verify there is enough space in your TEMP folder.".

        Fortunately it was obvious in my case where the problem lay- I had just copied a straight-out-of-3D-Warehouse component into the file and on closer inspection it turned out that some of the texture diffuse maps were gifs.... but when I tried to export out the textures out via SU's Material Editor (so I can make sure they were on my HDD so V-Ray could find them) they exported out as jpgs.

        This is probably due to a quirk of SU: that it is actually possible use gifs as diffuse maps even though they're listed as unsupported. I'm not going to explain here to how to force SU to import gifs as it's a bad idea for VfSU users. Just stick to jpgs, pngs and tiffs for diffuse maps and you shouldn't have any problems.

        So the solution in this case was:

        1 ) Ignore your TEMP Folder or how much space is on your hard drive; they've got nothing to do with the problem, despite what VfSU tells you.
        2 ) Open the "In Model" folder in SU's Material Editor.
        3 ) Right-click the materials that are probably causing the problem (most likely from a recently inserted component), choose "Export Texture Image" from the context menu and save them somewhere.
        4 ) Then go through the same materials and reassign the newly exported images.
        5 ) Save the file and render.

        EDIT: I've just run into this bug again in a different file. I'm working on diagnosing it, but it's taking a long time as it requires so many separate tests to narrow down the source. At first I thought it was just the saved visopt I was using, but I tested that in another skp file it worked fine. Then I started deleting geometry and materials (and purging) and sometimes it parses ok, sometimes it doesn't. Even weirder is that when I removed the bitmaps from background and reflection slots it rendered ok, but if I leave them in and remove some geometry and materials instead it also renders ok. It's a bit like a game of Jenga in reverse- one in which the goal is to make it fall down. At the moment it seems there are several materials or visopt settings any one of which will cause VfSU to render ok after removal, but I can't narrow it down enough to be useful. I even started seeing SU error messages which I've never seen before in 7 years of using SU (I've never seen 3 simultaneously either). This is an actual screenshot with the LC pass VFB in the background:

        This is going to take a while to pin down. THE QUICKEST FIX IS TO LOAD ANOTHER "HEALTHY" VISOPT AND EDIT IT TO MATCH THE ONE THAT'S CAUSING THE CRASH. If it works, just save it over the buggy one. I suspect that the problem doesn't lie in the visopt settings per se, but in how SU and VfSU are communicating during the parse process, in which many factors (materials, visopts, paths, etc) play a role.

        I can say though that I've never seen this before installing SU7.1, so if you're really struggling with this, reinstall SU7.0- it seems to be much more stable with VfSU.
        SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


        • #5
          Re: Sketchup Crashes "Not enough space in TEMP folder" error msg

          i also had the same problem, so i went back to the old version (7.0) of sketchup and everything is working like it should be. So for now on this is the solution. Tomorrow a deadline today a hell!

          Okey problem is it didn't solve completely, right now i got the same problem. With sketchup 7.0. I can't do any animations right now. If i do a single image there are no problems
          Dutch tutorials for Sketchup and V-ray:<br /><br />And although i have some tutorials i still am learning!


          • #6
            Re: Sketchup Crashes &quot;Not enough space in TEMP folder&quot; error msg

            i used to have the same problem just downñload a trial version of tune up utilities and run the utility to erase innesesary files it will find 10000 or more *.tmp files and just like that ypu can render again with no problems it work for me ..


            • #7
              Re: Sketchup Crashes &quot;Not enough space in TEMP folder&quot; error msg

              tried tune up, it deleted some gigas of tmp files and it didnt work. Now I will try reinstalling Sketchup 7.0...


              • #8
                Re: Sketchup Crashes &quot;Not enough space in TEMP folder&quot; error msg

                Now I reinstalled Sketchup 7... and I still get the bug!

                I am having bugsplats, black squares in the final pass (apparently they result from a Memory Allocation Error bug), etc.

                Its driving me nuts!


                • #9
                  Re: Sketchup Crashes &quot;Not enough space in TEMP folder&quot; error msg

                  getting "Not enough space in TEMP folder" in a new file... just as I finished modelling all I wanted! A big scene... took me ages to model and set materials... and now I cant render the darn thing!


                  • #10
                    Re: Sketchup Crashes &quot;Not enough space in TEMP folder&quot; error msg

                    Having the same issue .. after some tests i.e removing ALL materials that I am not using and exporting and reassigning the location of ones I am it is ok now. This has only happened after importing models from the 3d warehouse.

