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Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

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  • #31
    Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

    Also - often a log out and log in will just just as much as rebooting the computer - only faster.
    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


    • #32
      Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

      Devin, I didn't mean to imply that the Vray support team is whiling its time away doing nothing, I found the people I was in touch with very helpful and am sure they are hard at work solving the problem.

      The frustration is simply this, as someone on the Sketchuop forum pointed out, that paying customers who have a right to expect a functional product are in fact turned into involuntary beta testers. I have Vray sitting around uselessly on my PC for over two weeks now. At some point I think I have a right to feel that some sort of compensation would be in order.

      I don't know how they put it to effect, but iRender actually does have a 30 day money back guarantee. Otherwise, I must admit that my enthusiasm for that software has waned more than a little after I got an error message recently saying that iRender, too, has problems handling large models. Isn't that ironic... Do developers of plugin render software for SU not take into account the possibility that SU models may grow to over 20MB in size? (a logical thing to consider, since the latest version of SU is optimized for handling large models, which it does beautifully...)


      • #33
        Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

        Understood, I wasn't pointing fingers, just trying to explain the situation for everyone. We really appreciate the patience everyone has had with this release, and we hope to have it in working order as soon as we can.

        As far as rendering engines supporting large SU models, that is actually Google's fault. Although SketchUp can handle larger models fairly well in the viewport now, their API is rather difficult to work with. They don't hand us data in a nice and orderly way, they just hand us a pile of stuff we need to sort through. I don't want to get started on another SU rant this early in the day, but needless to say... we're a bit handicapped. Even the limit on the amount of memory we are able to use for rendering is limited by SketchUp. Hopefully they'll beef up the API some in the near future. It seems like with the latest releases they have started to take more interest in plugin developers.
        Best regards,
        Devin Kendig

        Chaos Group


        • #34
          Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

          Well, I think we can agree that the Google take-over did SU no favors... I wonder what the software would have been if @Last had developed it further. I hate the way SU nowadays is geared towards the quick and easy production of simple (and often pretty dismal) Google Earth models. If Google would look upon SU as a serious 3D software instead of as a Google Earth extension, things might well improve.


          • #35
            Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

            Yea - it feels like it's not competing to be a modeller tool now. Just a Google Maps/Earth tool... :/
            Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


            • #36
              Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

              Do developers of plugin render software for SU not take into account the possibility that SU models may grow to over 20MB in size?
              I agree with you sir, this is preposterous! I could care less about your memory limitations, I would like to model and render the entire bloody planet in under ten mins with only two gigs of available RAM and I jolly well want it done fast.


              • #37
                Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                They seem to be making efforts to clean their act up, but they haven't taken any action yet. I guess time will tell!
                Best regards,
                Devin Kendig

                Chaos Group


                • #38
                  Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                  Excuse me, constable... I don't know how much of this thread you've been reading, but one thing seems to be clear, memory is not the issue here. Actually, I don't mind waiting a day for a render to finish (at times I waited longer than that, I know my machine's limitations), as long as I get one in the end...!

                  Nice beard.


                  • #39
                    Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                    I'm looking for an update on the status of the many issues related to the new version, like these in this thread and others. I'm having a little trouble finding any status updates if there are any. Have any fixes or reported workarounds been figured out yet? Any patches or anything yet. I keep getting emails about the great new features, new features manual, new materials and such. But I can't find if any patches or workarounds have been reported yet. And not being able to render at all puts a damper on all the fun.

                    Windows7 64bit issues
                    issues related to Renders refusing to start
                    Material import issues
                    Materials not showing in viewport, or just showing as black
                    Materials not being listed the same from Vrays mat list and Sketchup's mat list

                    Just hoping for a status update here. Thank you.


                    • #40
                      Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                      We are currently beta testing the latest changes, all updates and news are contained in the beta testing area, which is not visible to most users (we only want valid feedback for the current version in progress). Many issues have been fixed, and we are nearing release of a patch of some sort, however there may still be another patch after this, depending upon how much longer we have to wait on a fix for DR.

                      That being said:

                      Windows7 64bit issues - what issue are you referring to?

                      issues related to Renders refusing to start - Fixed all of them we've seen so far

                      Material import issues - I believe we got all of these

                      Materials not showing in viewport, or just showing as black - Not sure what you're referring to

                      Materials not being listed the same from Vrays mat list and Sketchup's mat list - yup, that's been addressed mostly. Any remaining issues with this are related to SketchUp not notifying us properly, and will not be fixed. The debug tool will need to be used for those.
                      Best regards,
                      Devin Kendig

                      Chaos Group


                      • #41
                        Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                        Hi, i think i could divide my experince with u guys ( also for staff ).

                        that happened for me too sometimes. And i made somethink that fixed for me ( also though a bit pain , because i work with interiors scene, with lot of materials automaticly linked to this new vray, from many and many blocks, etc.. )

                        Well, what i did was changing the name ( in sketchup ' in model' list, is more easy... the vray will automaticly update anyway ) of ALL MATERIALS for SIMPLE characteres, like A01, A02, A03, A04....

                        I didnt used any symbols, like / ? ; _ - ~ , anything.

                        I think exist some issue with symbolic characteres. I hope this can help staff and u guys to investigate better.

                        Rodrigo ( and sorry my bad english )


                        • #42
                          Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                          There are issues with the current official release being able to handle certain characters properly. This bug has been reported, confirmed, and I believe fixed in the current patch beta. Thank you for your report though, we hope to have that fixed for you in the upcoming patch.
                          Best regards,
                          Devin Kendig

                          Chaos Group


                          • #43
                            Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                            Originally posted by dkendig
                            We are currently beta testing the latest changes, all updates and news are contained in the beta testing area, which is not visible to most users (we only want valid feedback for the current version in progress). Many issues have been fixed, and we are nearing release of a patch of some sort, however there may still be another patch after this, depending upon how much longer we have to wait on a fix for DR.

                            That being said:

                            Windows7 64bit issues - what issue are you referring to?
                            That's just what I am using(win7-64bit). I thought the DR issue was related to 64bit. Maybe i read that wrong somewhere.

                            Originally posted by dkendig
                            issues related to Renders refusing to start - Fixed all of them we've seen so far

                            Material import issues - I believe we got all of these

                            Materials not showing in viewport, or just showing as black - Not sure what you're referring to
                            That's one issue I reported early on. I thought I saw at least two others mention this in these forums. ie: Some materials just appearing black or not at all in the viewport. I still can't really tell you what that means to the rendering in the end, since mostly it just won't render. I believe it is part of the large file issue, since it happens less on small object renders. Or maybe it was just part of the import issue. But that's all I know.
                            Originally posted by dkendig
                            Materials not being listed the same from Vrays mat list and Sketchup's mat list - yup, that's been addressed mostly. Any remaining issues with this are related to SketchUp not notifying us properly, and will not be fixed. The debug tool will need to be used for those.
                            OK, thanks for the update! I mostly just wanted to hear if any patches were still being worked on or if I had missed any announcements for a patch already. I will stand pat and wait with crossed fingers.


                            • #44
                              Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                              I see, issues where materials show up as black in the viewport, I believe are all due to normal program behavior. If you're using a texture other than a texbitmap for instance, we aren't going to properly represent that in SketchUp. It's not actually an image that SketchUp can understand, so unfortunately we can't really do much to fix that, at least not without slowing the program down considerably, or until SketchUp cleans up it's act.

                              There are currently no issues that are 64-bit specific on either the Mac or PC side of the equation. We were very careful to not tie ourselves down to a specific platform or configuration. The only thing we really botched up was non-english support, the rest shouldn't depend on machine configuration really. The DR issue specifically, is caused by some licensing issues. We changed our licensing a bit in this release, and DR didn't like it very much. Unfortunately the changes were necessary for cross-platform support, so it's not something we can just take out until there's a fix from the chaos group. We have been making headway with this issue, and hope to have a fix in place in a beta release very soon.

                              There is no "large file" issue, just a heads up. There is a memory usage issue, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's due to a large file. Small files can be very complex, and large files can be very simple. For instance, if you import an image in to the scene, you are going to end up making the file size of the file larger, because now the scene file contains the image file as well. From what I've seen in the most recent builds though, the memory issue seems to be a little better than it was in the 1.48.66 release (although I suppose that could mean that the bug is just hiding under another rock). We're still investigating that issue.

                              We plan on releasing a patch (we may need to patch a second time after this, depending upon what issues we can get fixed this time around) as soon as our testers give us a green light on a beta build. As soon as they say "Yay, all of my problems went away!" we will post an updated build for everyone to use. The good news is that more and more of our testers are smiling, so maybe they'll let you guys have a new build sometime soon.
                              Best regards,
                              Devin Kendig

                              Chaos Group


                              • #45
                                Re: Rendering doesn't start (new version of V-ray)

                                I have same problem, and after useing the debug, things even get worse, after frame buffer jumped
                                out, su crash with info: Runtime Error! I can hardly work with it anymore, cause use me too much time to figure out the software problem but not my job. hopefully it can update soon enough.

