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Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

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  • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

    NIKENDACK - Yup, that's all there is to it. Just give us feedback about any bugs you come across while using the beta. There is more information about all of this in the VfSU BetaTesting forum, which you should now have access to.

    VTRDO - Wonderful, we would love to hear what you have to say about our latest beta. You can download the latest beta from the VfSU BetaTesting forum. Look for a post titled: WIP Releases >>ALWAYS THE LATEST<<
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

      hi, i would like also to be one of the beta testers.


      • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

        I met the render problem for some models which can be rendered in the old version. Would you let me know how to join your beta version test.


        • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

          Hello I would very much like to test for you! Is it still possible?


          • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

            Hi, I would like to test as well.


            • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

              i want to help.i'm currently using the 1.48.66 vray version where i've encountered a lot of bugs!!!especially when it comes to editing materials, if this would help to fix it, im in,..


              • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                where do i download the beta version!?i don't seem to find it anywhere,./?


                • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                  RF10- Okay, you've been added to the testing group, you should now have access to the beta forum, where you can find the link for the latest beta version. We look forward to your feedback

                  BRAIN2004- Sorry to hear you've had issues with the current release . I have added you to our beta testing group. You might have better luck in the latest beta, but of course it's still in beta, and we won't know if it fixes the issues you had in 1.48.66, until you try it out and give us some feedback about the issues you've encountered. I look forward to hearing good news.

                  MIKAELSTENSTROM- Definitely! We really want to release this patch as soon as possible, so the more feedback we get, the better off we will be! You're in

                  ROMINO- That's great to hear, you're in!

                  ENIXKASHIECA- Oh that's awful to hear, I hope the beta version works better for you. Either way, w would appreciate any feedback you can give us. You couldn't find the latest beta, because I hadn't had a chance to add you to the testing group yet. You've been added now, you should see a new forum called: VfSU BetaTesting, that's where ya wanna go.
                  Best regards,
                  Devin Kendig

                  Chaos Group


                  • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                    I would like to help on the bug hunt, im delighted that the 1.48.66 version have a lot of added features, but then, bugs are still all over the place, i would like to be a part of this bug hunt,..


                    • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                      I would very much like to help out here. Thanks.


                      • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                        Oh excellent, fresh meat... er um... friends...

                        Sure come on in Wolfgang and Elvisjer! We can use any help we can get.
                        Best regards,
                        Devin Kendig

                        Chaos Group


                        • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                          Hi Devin:

                          I would definitely like to help out on the beta if you'll add my name to the list!



                          • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                            i have a problem to render Dr. the slave laptop crash after the starting to run render.
                            I think i may try the beta version to see any help.


                            • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                              I'd be pelased to help testing Vray for Sketchup.


                              • Re: Call for more testers: The mighty bug hunt!

                                PROBITAS - Done and done, come on in!

                                PATPLACE - We believe that DR is working better in the latest beta, we would love to get some feedback about it's current status though, come on in!

                                SIMJOHN - Excellent, you've been added to the testing group, you should be able to find the latest version in the VfSU BetaTesting forum. Look for a post titled: "WIP Releases >>ALWAYS THE LATEST<<"
                                Best regards,
                                Devin Kendig

                                Chaos Group

