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Not Able To Apply Materials in V-Ray for SU7 (Windows 7, x-64)

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  • Not Able To Apply Materials in V-Ray for SU7 (Windows 7, x-64)

    I am currently having trouble applying my materials in SketchUp Pro 7 with V-Ray. In older versions on my other computers I was able to right-click and Apply Materials to the object. However, when I right-click it does not give me the option to apply the material. Is there something I have not done or need to re-install? If anyone could give me any helpful feedback that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • #2
    Re: Not Able To Apply Materials in V-Ray for SU7 (Windows 7, x-64)


    I just work from my SU Materials window, each material corrosponds, but you prob already knew that. Ive never had an issue doing it that way.



    • #3
      Re: Not Able To Apply Materials in V-Ray for SU7 (Windows 7, x-64)

      Do you think you can give me a brief example how you go about that? I am actually not too familiar doing it that way.

