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Light cache problem

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  • Light cache problem

    Sorry if this is a double post, but i haven't found topic with my problem I think because of my bad english. Last evening i was trying to control my lighting, and suddenly vray stoped working well. The main problem is that vray don't render my image. On the box it's says that light catche time interval is (00000...) something like this. Any ideas to fix this?

    Thanks for all,


  • #2
    Re: Light cache problem

    What version of VfSU do you use?

    Do you get error messages?

    Does it actually stop rendering - as in, it returns to SU?

    Or does it appear to never finish?

    Have you checked your settings in case you accidentally set a value to an abnormally high/low?

    Have you tried resetting the settings to default - just to determine if it's your settings or not.
    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


    • #3
      Re: Light cache problem

      Thank You for quick reply.

      I am using vray 1.60.16 and there is no error messages. It appears to never finish. I have checked all the settings. I have tried to render another my project and it works perfectly. In the case i saved visopt file and loaded in my broken project and the problem also appears.


      • #4
        Re: Light cache problem

        What is more. That render stops also with deterministic monte carlo engine as secondary one. It says:

        Beginning render sequence
        Preparing renderer...
        Preparing scene for rendering.
        [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=0.033333
        [RenderView] numCameraTMs=2, numFrames=1, frameSamples=2
        Initializing built-in VFB.
        [RenderView] startCameraTime=0.000000, endCameraTime=0.033333
        [RenderView] numCameraTMs=2, numFrames=1, frameSamples=2
        Preparing camera sampler.
        Preparing scene for frame.
        MtlMulti (noname) "mtls" parameter is deprecated; use "mtls_list" and "ids_list" instead.
        Compiling geometry.
        Preparing ray server.
        Creating and initializing 2 thread(s).
        Allocating memory for build data of 4817 faces (134876 bytes, 0.1 MB).
        Initializing face build data.
        Creating 'done' event.
        Starting first thread.
        Waiting for thread completion.
        Releasing thread resources.
        Preparing faces for intersection tests.
        SDTree statistics:
        Total number of faces stored: 4817
        Max tree depth: 29
        Average tree depth: 15.1881
        Number of tree nodes: 2167
        Number of tree faces: 16563
        Number of tree leafs: 909
        Average faces/leaf: 18.2211
        Memory usage: 1.22 MB
        Scene bounding box is [0,-55.1161,-47.2441]-[457.421,306.201,198.511]
        Preparing direct light manager.
        Preparing global light manager.
        Irradiance sample size is 84 bytes
        Photon size is 56 bytes.
        Light cache sample size is 120 bytes.
        1 interpolation maps registered
        Rendering interpolation maps with minRate=-3 and maxRate=0
        Setting up 2 thread(s)

        After these words it stops and never ends.


        • #5
          Re: Light cache problem

          1.60.16 isn't the VfSU version. it's the V-Ray core version.

          VfSU is something like 1.00.74 or 1.05.30 or 1.48.66

          So it does not render even if you reset the settings to default?

          Have you got lots of displacement? Or displacement of a large area?

          Have you tried to turn on Material Override in Global Switches (to test if its a material causing problems.)

          You mention LC and DMC as secondary, what is your primary? IR?

          Is the model large, can you post it for investigation?
          Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


          • #6
            Re: Light cache problem

            Oh, then my version is 1.05.30

            My scene doesn't start even I make settings to default.

            I haven't used discplacement.

            I have tried to turn on material override in global switches, but problem still exists.

            My primary engine is Irradiance map.

            My model isn't very large, about 500kb, there is a link for investigation:
            Sorry for bad upload site.




            • #7
              Re: Light cache problem

              I found that by removing the rect lights you had inside the building it'd render again. But I'm not sure why.
              Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


              • #8
                Re: Light cache problem

                I see that the rect lights are sky portals. I've not used them much, but I think I've read that they should be placed exactly over the openings, and that if you use them you must add them to all openings. Maybe it's something related to that...
                Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                • #9
                  Re: Light cache problem

                  And I think the direction of the lights matter, front/backside.
                  Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                  • #10
                    Re: Light cache problem

                    I repositioned the rect lights to be exactly on the openings, and closed of the side holes. Now it renders fine.
                    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                    • #11
                      Re: Light cache problem

                      I am very very thankful!!!
                      You are the best!

