Here's the situation - I have a bridge w/ some contours, two combined sketchup scenes (ie bridge imported into countours file).
If I render the bridge alone - it renders. If I render the contours alone - it renders.
When combined sketchup produces an error when the frame buffer pops up stating, "ERROR - plz verify thereis enough room in your TEMP folder". Sketchup Crashes...
This is driving me nuts - I also get this error with other large scenes
44939 faces
30mb file
If I render the bridge alone - it renders. If I render the contours alone - it renders.
When combined sketchup produces an error when the frame buffer pops up stating, "ERROR - plz verify thereis enough room in your TEMP folder". Sketchup Crashes...
This is driving me nuts - I also get this error with other large scenes
44939 faces
30mb file