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can't render scene

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  • can't render scene

    =========System Information=========
    platform = win32
    country = Netherlands
    language = Dutch
    About to make our qapp
    after make qapp
    Made it after UIManager.initialize
    C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\Lib\site-packages\Ft\Xml\ DeprecationWarning: functions overriding warnings.showwarning() must support the 'line' argument
    FtWarning, 2)
    FtWarning: Creation of InputSource without a URI
    Entering renderArchive
    About to start readArchive - C:\ProgramData/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
    98.472000 seconds is how long it took to read C:\ProgramData/ASGVIS/VfS/current_skp.xml
    0.836000 seconds is how long it took us to correct the file paths for all external texture file references in the scene.
    (to ensure this process goes as quickly as possible, please be sure all references to external texture files are correct prior to rendering)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 215, in add_to_renderer
    vray_param = param.to_vray_param(renderer)
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 92, in to_vray_param
    return self.value.to_vray_param(, renderer, final_gamma )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 348, in to_vray_param
    return PyVRay.VUtils.DefStringParam(name, self.to_vray(renderer))
    TypeError: argument 2 of PyVRay.DefStringParam() has an invalid type

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 328, in render
    self.addAssetsToRenderer( self )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 102, in addAssetsToRenderer
    ref.plugin.add_to_renderer( self )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 215, in add_to_renderer
    vray_param = param.to_vray_param(renderer)
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 92, in to_vray_param
    return self.value.to_vray_param(, renderer, final_gamma )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 348, in to_vray_param
    return PyVRay.VUtils.DefStringParam(name, self.to_vray(renderer))
    TypeError: argument 2 of PyVRay.DefStringParam() has an invalid type

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 408, in renderArchive
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 328, in render
    self.addAssetsToRenderer( self )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 102, in addAssetsToRenderer
    ref.plugin.add_to_renderer( self )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 215, in add_to_renderer
    vray_param = param.to_vray_param(renderer)
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 92, in to_vray_param
    return self.value.to_vray_param(, renderer, final_gamma )
    File "C:\ProgramData\ASGVIS\Python26\..\VfS\ASGVIS\vray", line 348, in to_vray_param
    return PyVRay.VUtils.DefStringParam(name, self.to_vray(renderer))
    TypeError: argument 2 of PyVRay.DefStringParam() has an invalid type

    got to app_quit
    Just called cancel render of VRayArchiveRenderer

  • #2
    Re: can't render scene

    ??? Can anyone help me please?


    • #3
      Re: can't render scene

      I'm getting the same error message:
      "TypeError: argument 2 of PyVRay.DefStringParam() has an invalid type"

      If I try to render the scene several times I get this error but once in about five tries it goes on to render like it should. For me this problem only seems to appear when I try rendering from a file which was created in su8 (and resaved for su7). I have osx so vray only works for su7 so far.


      • #4
        Re: can't render scene

        yes I do save as SU7 in SU8... and also for me when I try to render another time it works.


        • #5
          Re: can't render scene

          I've been trying to figure out the problem and I might be onto something.
          The problem seems to be caused by a file I created in Sketchup 8 and then resaved to open in Sketchup 7.

          If I just start SKetchup and open any other file or create a new one I can render those images without problem. But if I then open the non-renderable file and try to render it I get the said error AND if I try to render any other scene after that I get that error for those scenes as well. Only way to start rendering again (without the is to restart Sketchup. Of course the big problem is that the file that I really need to start rendering is the one causing all of these problems.

          I've tried exploding everything in the scene, copying and pasting the geometry into a new document and removing all materials. Then I can render the geometry. I'm not sure where the error is but it seems to be something connected to the materials because it won't work unless I remove all of them. This seems to be the case even for the non-renderable file.

          Is there a big difference in how SU8 and SU7 treats materials? Maybe this is what causes these problems?
          I should also say that when opening the file in SU7 and check what materials are being used it has about 80 different materials. Way more than I have assigned manually. I don't know why it says that these materials are in use.


          • #6
            Re: can't render scene

            I didn't even know you could go backwards like that. Usually I try to avoid going backwards with any program. Do you have any problems going the other way? From SU7 to SU8?
            Best regards,
            Devin Kendig

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Re: can't render scene

              I couldn't install vray for SU8 so I can't test it.
              Was told it wouldn't work yet on osx but I've seen other people on this forum using vray on su8 on osx.

              That's the only reason i need to go backwards. Started modelling in SU8, then I got vray and don't want to start over again.


              • #8
                Re: can't render scene


                Are you using models from the 3D warehouse in the file which you can't render?
                This error seems to be triggered by models imported from the 3D warehouse. Don't know if it applies for all imported models but it does for the ones I've tried.

                But it surely would be a more common bug if it was triggered by every model from the 3D warehouse...


                • #9
                  Re: can't render scene

                  yes I use models from the 3DW... before I imported them everything rendered fine. I was making a house, applied some textures.... no problem. Now that you mention it, after importing models form 3DW I got this problem.

                  The reason why I sometimes save as SU7 is because I have SU7 pro and SU8 free. Sometimes I need Layout which only work with SU7 files.


                  • #10
                    Re: can't render scene

                    Was told it wouldn't work yet on osx but I've seen other people on this forum using vray on su8 on osx.
                    The beta version works on su8
                    Best regards,
                    Devin Kendig

                    Chaos Group

