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vrimg is turning out black-ish

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  • vrimg is turning out black-ish

    I tried to use the photoshop plugin and it turning out completely black, and on a photoshop ( also cs5) on another computer it is looking black with white vertical lines...

    messing with the exposeure and others doesn't help...

    I am rendering an image 5000 pixeles wide...

    Please...any help!?!

    (on the vfb the preview looks great...)


  • #2
    Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

    You know - I had the same issue in the current photoshop (CS5 x64). I found it didn't read the exr format correctly (came up black like for you.) I had to use an older version of PS (6.1) where I could use the exr plugin and it worked fine*. The problem I found was the the current PS doesn't seem to read the "exr" format correctly with its native plugin.
    You may also be able to use gimp if no access to an older version of PS.

    *edit - no I didn't... ehem. I thought I had, but I never actually was able to get the non-working exr file to open, in CS5 or any other version...


    • #3
      Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

      Hi Andy,

      thanks so much, I have been spending the last 2 hours in installing different types of version of v-ray that could make an decent vrimg file...

      I could open it using Gimp, it said it is an un-known format. can it only be open using the plugin? and which plugin do I use? there are so many downloads option there

      thanks again, I have a really urgent project and im really stressed about not making my dead line



      • #4
        Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

        photoshop plugin for windows is here:
        for mac:

        here are two places to read about vrimages vray tools vrimg2exr
        asgvis tutorial

        vrimg2exr script is in the asgvis "downloads" under "asgvis tools" (you have to login)

        and you can buy the asgvispdplayer if you're really hitting a wall.

        * couple of edits, hope I got everything right...


        • #5
          Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

          rats, I just took a look at the vrimg files I had played with before. Well, unfortunately, I realize i stopped trying to open them when I found I couldn't open them with the older plugin either. I just tried another vrimage with vray 1.48.99 and am not having any luck at all again. Sorry, but I don't have any answers for you. Are you using vrimage because you are having trouble with memory issues? If not, I would just try to get the physical camera settings right and save as a regular image. (Also, you can always adjust exposure with the vray buffer controls)


          • #6
            Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

            Im working with 1.48.99 also, and can't seem to open any render that is exr, even the smallest.

            I need to render an image big enough for a poster, 5000 pixeles wide..
            is there another way to do that with out vrimg? like saving maps of ir and stuff? I never tried that before...

            any help will be appreciated, I am really crying here


            • #7
              Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

              honestly, if it was me, I would save it as a 2500px wide tif image and up-scale the image in photoshop. You might even play with depth of field or some other post processing to increase the apparent sharpness. Good luck


              • #8
                Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                thanks andy-
                so there is really no way to do vrimg in the new versions?
                is that a known bug?


                • #9
                  Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                  I don't know. I thought there was, and then I ran into the same problem you are having. I'm just saying it's probably better to do something that you know works instead of fighting some unknown bug.

                  Other forum members - anyone have any success with vrimage from sketchup and vray? I'd love to know if anyone has a method that works... what is your process?



                  • #10
                    Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                    OK - it's broke in the beta version, but I was able to render fine in 1.48.89 (using exactly the same test file)

                    - and it's been broke since at least 1.89.94 - since that was the version that I thought worked with an older version of the plugin. I went back to the old vrimg files I had tested and no way to open them.

                    I have to say there's some improvement (haha) in 1.48.99 in that it's not just purely black - it's kind of pixelated, and if you look closely, you can faintly make out the image...


                    • #11
                      Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                      the problem with that version is that it can't be converted to an exr file: there were 2 problems, each with a different old version: one was that the converter doesn't have an impact: it just does 't do anything: the file stays as vrimg.
                      the other says the exr file is damaged. I don't recall which version had which problem but every version I tested (3 or 4) had a problem...

                      can you send me a link to a version that does work? ( but please check it first until the final process of opening in PS)

                      if you have another program that can open the problematic files. that will be ok also.


                      • #12
                        Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                        do you have the current version of the vrimg2exr. There was an update at some point - check on the asgvis site again. I was able to convert a vrimg from 1.48.89 to exr. I was also able to flatten in PS - the ones that don't work crash PS when I try to do that...


                        • #13
                          Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                          *edit - I'll post images from the beta version in the beta forum.


                          • #14
                            Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                            I downloaded the latest version and I have another converter of 3d max which shows the same results...

                            but a good suggestion, anyway


                            • #15
                              Re: vrimg is turning out black-ish

                              what if you render out to an exr image rather than a vrimage?
                              Best regards,
                              Devin Kendig

                              Chaos Group

