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Major bug in newest beta 2.0!

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  • Major bug in newest beta 2.0!

    I just installed the newest beta - 2.0.

    Everytime i try to apply a material from my vray-material library - SU gets bug splat! No problem with this in earlier releases.

    Please fix this - quickly.

    Best regards.

  • #2
    The only reported bug that sounds like this issue, would be reproducible with the following steps, in versions of SketchUp prior to 2013:
    1. Save a .skm file of an existing scene material, while V-Ray is loaded
    2. Add the folder that you saved the .skm to, as a collection in the SketchUp material window
    3. click on the material in the material window to activate the paintbucket tool
    4. paint any surface

    If this sounds like the workflow you are using, try adding one additional step:
    1. Save a .skm file of an existing scene material, while V-Ray is loaded
    2. Add the folder that you saved the .skm to, as a collection in the SketchUp material window
    3. Load the material in to your scene
    4. click on the material in the material window to activate the paintbucket tool
    5. paint any surface

    This should only be reproducible in versions of SketchUp prior to SketchUp 2013
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      I've been getting bugsplats loading vismat files - nothing to do with the SU material editor.

      tried in both SU2013 and SU8 versions


      • #4
        vismats that were made with the beta? Or vismats that were made with 1.49.01 or earlier?

        edit: Andy, I reopened your bug report about this.
        Last edited by dkendig; 27-08-2013, 08:59 AM.
        Best regards,
        Devin Kendig

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Hi again.

          I have tried with several materials from the "good old" asgvis .vismat material-library (I use those a lot). All of them make SU bugsplat when loaded.

          I have not tried loading "new" materials.


          • #6
            Anything that was on the old ASG site is pretty old. I have loaded some vismats that were on the Chaos site and they seem to load fine.
            Matthew Valero, ASAI


            • #7
              I've gotten crashes with the old vismats even before the beta, I would recommend not using those.

              (by old, I'm talking 1.0, etc. - not any of the materials on the CG website as far as I've encountered.)
              Last edited by andybot_cg; 19-09-2013, 09:04 AM. Reason: version clarification


              • #8
                Can you give me a few material names are causing crashes? Some of those materials were made years ago. We can remove the broken ones and upgrade them to new vrmats. We are currently working on the older vismats now just to make sure that customers have materials that work in 1.49.xx and older product versions. The vrmats can only be used in the 2.0 version and the new 3.0 beta for 3ds max.
                Best regards,

                Corey Rubadue

                Chaos Group

