This is a getting pretty nitty gritty, but we had an issue where the "random by node handle" ends up actually randomizes the multisubtex render to render. I went back and checked previous projects where I've used this and can confirm that although I didn't notice it at the time, it indeed does re-randomize at time of rendering (we didn't notice it because I was using it to build up custom masonry walls at the time).
According to the docs, I had assumed the identity would persist render to render ( but perhaps I should have been using one of the other random parameters?
The elements the material was applied to in all cases were components within a group that sat at the very top of the model hierarchy (just group parent, then component children, nothing else above that). Nothing was changed or edited regarding the multisubtex material or the geometry it was applied to. Rendering process was our typical vrscene and submission via Deadline (perhaps the SU to vrscene process re-randomizes?)
Anyways, if we're doing anything wrong or if I misinterpreted the doc, definitely let me know. For what's its worth, we're using the multisubtex to help out with some fairly complex situations (full on custom patterned masonry wall built up in 3d, massive amounts of lights in huge urban context, etc) and its making my life quite a bit easier
According to the docs, I had assumed the identity would persist render to render ( but perhaps I should have been using one of the other random parameters?
The elements the material was applied to in all cases were components within a group that sat at the very top of the model hierarchy (just group parent, then component children, nothing else above that). Nothing was changed or edited regarding the multisubtex material or the geometry it was applied to. Rendering process was our typical vrscene and submission via Deadline (perhaps the SU to vrscene process re-randomizes?)
Anyways, if we're doing anything wrong or if I misinterpreted the doc, definitely let me know. For what's its worth, we're using the multisubtex to help out with some fairly complex situations (full on custom patterned masonry wall built up in 3d, massive amounts of lights in huge urban context, etc) and its making my life quite a bit easier