Been able to reproduce this reliably. I have not updated to 34004, but I don't believe the release notes mention anything about this.
Under settings output, it will not reproduce the settings saved whilst in SketchUp (I typically select frame range, and then hit "get animation range"). However, on the output vrscene file we get:
Not a big deal to change this, its just annoying to have to manually edit the vrscene file each and everytime. A nice check box or render channel with a velocity pass channel would be great too, so I don't have to edit each time
Under settings output, it will not reproduce the settings saved whilst in SketchUp (I typically select frame range, and then hit "get animation range"). However, on the output vrscene file we get:
SettingsOutput _SettingsOutput { img_width=1920; img_height=1080; img_pixelAspect=1; img_file="U:\Tmp\2017 JULY ANIMATION\raw frames\final\rooftop_animation_delta.exr"; img_dir=""; img_file_needFrameNumber=1; img_separateAlpha=0; img_noAlpha=0; img_dontSaveRgbChannel=0; img_saveVelocityZeroBase=0; img_deepFile=0; img_rawFile=0; img_rawFileVFB=1; anim_start=0; anim_end=1; anim_frame_padding=4; anim_renumber_on=0; anim_renumber_start=0; anim_renumber_step=1; anim_ren_frame_start=0; frame_start=0; frames_per_second=30; frames=List( ListIntHex("ZIPC080000000E000000eJxjYGBgqABiAAHoAHk=")