Pretty straight forward, but right now this is a killer for us because its holding up our Deadline workflow. Confirmed the same error pops up whether rendering via Deadline OR whether running the standalone vray.exe from the command line:
There is a DLL by that name at that location, so not sure what's up.
Additionally, even though the vrscene was saved with hybrid enabled, I'm not sure it saved anywhere in the vrscene file and is not using my GPU when rendered via command line - will vrscene hybrid rendering be a feature in the future?
error: Error loading plugin library "C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\V-Ray\V-Ray for SketchUp\extension\vrayappsdk\bin\plugins\vray_BRDFSimbiont.dll": LoadLibrary failed (126): The specified module could not be found.
Additionally, even though the vrscene was saved with hybrid enabled, I'm not sure it saved anywhere in the vrscene file and is not using my GPU when rendered via command line - will vrscene hybrid rendering be a feature in the future?