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Lightning analysis in planview?

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  • Lightning analysis in planview?

    Does anyone know if its possible to create a lightning analysis in plan view? like using a section, but only to view inside - the section should not affect the light analysis.


  • #2
    Hi Jorgensen_cg

    You can use V-Ray Clipper to achieve that - you just have to make sure to go to the Clipper's Options and uncheck the Affect Light setting. No light will be transmitted through the clipper and the Lighting Analysis RE will remain unaffected.
    See attached example.

    To read more about V-Ray Clipper and its parameters, please visit
    Nikoleta Garkova |


    • #3
      Ah thanks Nikoleta. That works

      As a followup to my question....

      We see an upcoming demand for daylight analysis, and I would like to hear is any users here that has experience regarding this topic?

      We need to prove that a least half the floor area in a room, has more than 300 lux, in at least half of the day. For this I thought that vrays lightning analysis could be used,
      but I find it difficult to know if the analyse that is shown is reliable, and I'm not sure what minimum and maximum values I should use in the analysis setup to get the most realistic results.

      When I export the image / movie the light scale is nicely included, but is there a way to add date and time of the lightning? that would be very helpfull.

      I have tried to export an animation showing the daylight from 08 to 22, but when I render I only get the RGB output, not the lightning analysis. Is there a way to animate the lightning during a day?


      Last edited by Jorgensen_cg; 22-02-2021, 01:59 PM.


      • #4
        Has anyone actually use the lightning analysis?
        Last edited by Jorgensen_cg; 22-02-2021, 02:53 PM.

