I do a number of floorplans with the roof cut off and really want to get a pure white totally even lighting environment. HDRi images always have varied lighting and although having no light and using the Background only goes a long way towards this goal you then have.... a background.
The output I am after is PNG with no background, so far the best way has been an overcast HDRi made invisible with not background enabled. Can you have a pure white HDRi and would this even be a good idea? I want my floorplans to be lit evenly from all directions so all and any wise words appreciated!
I do a number of floorplans with the roof cut off and really want to get a pure white totally even lighting environment. HDRi images always have varied lighting and although having no light and using the Background only goes a long way towards this goal you then have.... a background.
The output I am after is PNG with no background, so far the best way has been an overcast HDRi made invisible with not background enabled. Can you have a pure white HDRi and would this even be a good idea? I want my floorplans to be lit evenly from all directions so all and any wise words appreciated!