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Phoenix for vray for sketchup

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  • Phoenix for vray for sketchup

    Hi Konstantin and Peter Chauchev

    Do You think maybe in the near future we can play with Phoenix for vray for sketchup.

    I would like to play with it, it looks a really Nice software and i'm missing playing with fire, smoke and water.

    For example some time ago i did a travel to Iran and i saw some beautiful and amazing fountains. This is impossible to get in vray for sketchup. I would like to recreate that fountains in Phoenix

    I like a Lot how canddles look in the spaces... But i would like to play with fire to get a real light candle.

    For example if im buildind a house in the forest and My clients ask me for a space for the Bonfire i can design an space for the Bonfire but the Bonfire is going to look Bad since is impossible to model a fire for the Bonfire.

    Im missing something really important as an Architec with My proyects.

    Is impossible to play with fire and water, i would really like to Buy a licence, begin to understand the software and do better renders and better design of the spaces... Why only 3d max and maya have this option.

    Please make Phoenix for vray for sketchup... We need it!!! And i would really aprecciate if You bring this software to sketchup... I want to push My scenes to another amazing level!!!

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by luisgamino2; 21-02-2022, 02:33 PM.

  • #2
    Hi luisgamino2,

    Integrating Phoenix FD into SketchUp is not something we are planning for the near future.
    Phoenix was designed for VFX artists and will not fit very well in any SketchUp workflow.

    There is however something we might implement - a way for loading Phoenix simulations in SketchUp.
    The workflow for creating a fire sim and rendering it in SketchUp would be the following:
    1. Simulate the fire using Phoenix FD in 3ds Max or Maya
    2. Create a Volumetric simulation container in SketchUp
    3. Reference the simulation cache files in the container
    4. Tweak appearance properties and render

    In the future, Phoenix simulations can also be added to Cosmos.
    This way you'll not have to worry about simulating the effect you're after.



    • #3
      Hi Konstantin

      Thanks for the feedback, i understand this software is kind of complex and it was introduced for VFX renders and all kind of artístics effects like fire, smoke, etc.( Awesome renders in maya and max when it has VFX effects)

      I would really like to make the flame for example a Big canddles in a church. Right now this is something really hard and difficult to achive a Nice flame for a canddles and for a Bonfire.

      I would really like to play with water, You can find in Warehouse in sketchup some kind of fountains but they are really Bad they are not realistic and some times makes the render Even worst since this fountains don't have any kind of Quality.

      I Havent use in all My life 3d max and maya since i don't have too much time to learn a new software, sketchup doesnt support meshes is a step behind 3d max and maya, is fine they are a more complex software ( maya and max)

      But things that are so básic and contributes for a better lighting and better render we don't have this options yet.

      And is not only for me, i Bet that a Lot of 3d artists that use vray and sketchup should like to play with water, fire and probably smoke.

      I Don't want to Buy maya or max just to play a little bit with Phoenix is going to be really expensive ( and i don't understand max and maya) but i hope You bring a solution to this for sketchup, since a Lot time ago i'm missing playing with fire and water. I believe we can achieve better renders if we can choose a Nice flames ( canddles and Bonfire) or a Nice fountains. I'm not interested in smoke but fire and water are very important for spaces.

      Thanks again for your feedback, i really apreciated.

      Best regards Luis Gamino

      Last edited by luisgamino2; 23-02-2022, 11:31 PM.

