I Saw some videos in Youtube for an exterior space and buildind for 3d max and other video about a character inside the océan.
Can You bring a video about an exterior scene or interior scene please.
There are a lot for 3d max and maya but not too much for vray for sketchup
I Hope You use some plugins that are very usefull as skatter 2
One of the majors question is should i use depth of field and if i use it what are the Best settings for that.
If You can bring it for intermediate and expert could be great, for example the use of blend materials, displacement, composite.
This is a really Nice vídeo in which You talked a Lot of features of vray and Forest Pack and RailClone.
We don't have too much of material about vray for sketchup on Youtube, please bring a Nice vídeo for advanced users.
So we can see the complete capabilities of vray for sketchup
I Saw some videos in Youtube for an exterior space and buildind for 3d max and other video about a character inside the océan.
Can You bring a video about an exterior scene or interior scene please.
There are a lot for 3d max and maya but not too much for vray for sketchup
I Hope You use some plugins that are very usefull as skatter 2
One of the majors question is should i use depth of field and if i use it what are the Best settings for that.
If You can bring it for intermediate and expert could be great, for example the use of blend materials, displacement, composite.
We don't have too much of material about vray for sketchup on Youtube, please bring a Nice vídeo for advanced users.
So we can see the complete capabilities of vray for sketchup