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How can I add thumbnails to proxies on custom library?

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  • How can I add thumbnails to proxies on custom library?

    Hey, guys!

    In my opinion, one the best workflows to achieve great results with V-Ray for SketchUp, is the one when we transform 3D models into proxies and add them to our custom libraries on V-Ray asset editor.

    It allows me to use high-poly models with the materials all set and with the viewport running smooth.

    But how can I add thumbnails to the proxies on my custom library, to make the navigation easier (in the same way we have with Chaos Cosmos assets, for examples)?

    1) The previews on my proxies
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	399
Size:	109.2 KB
ID:	1178885

    2) The previews on Chaos Cosmos assets
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	311
Size:	141.0 KB
ID:	1178886

  • #2
    Hello gabriel_chahouddealmeida,

    Unfortunately, currently this is not possible, but thank you for the suggestion.
    We will consider how and if it can be implemented in the future, but please kindly note that we are not able to give any time frames on it.
    Natalia Gruzdova |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hey, natalia.gruzdova!

      I didn't see your answer before, sorry for that!

      Thanks for the answer! It's a shame that it's not possible to add a custom thumbnail, though.

      I've been teaching V-Ray for SketchUp for some time now (we have more than 60 thousands students registered on our platform), and definitely the best workflow - and the one we teach our students - to reach the photorealism with V-Ray for SketchUp is to use high-quality models as proxies. I'm sure you guys agree with that, knowing that you always use proxies in your V-Ray for SketchUp scenes as well. So, it would be awesome if we could have this possibility (adding custom thumbnails to proxies) on the next update


      • #4
        Hello how are you, was it possible to implement this feature in any update? It would be very interesting to improve worflow


        • #5
          Hi guys,

          I'll log a feature request for this.

          Thank you for bringing our attention to this limitation,

