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Arf!...can't correctly applicate a bitmap

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  • Arf!...can't correctly applicate a bitmap

    I'd like to applicate a bitmap to a rectangular face.
    And I can't find how to adapt my bitmap to my face.
    I switch parameters like repeat and offset in difuse but...I can't find solution!

  • #2
    Arf!...can't correctly applicate a bitmap

    What UVW mode are you using? You cannot use Explicit Map Channel unless there is a map applied to the sketchup face via a sketchup material (I realize this is a pain in the ass but we can't get around that at the moment due to how Sketchup handles uv generation - we're still working on a workaround ).

    If you just want to apply it to a rectanglular face then you could use the Planar World XYZ UVW mode. Then select how many times you would like it to repeat along the x and y direction. If you want to make the map repeat based on some physical width/height then you would need to set the repeat to be 1/length in scene units, i.e. if I have a texture that I want to repeat every 10' x 10' and my scene units are in inches I would set the value to be 1/120, or 0.0083. We're going to add UI to make that situation easier to handle - but for now we kinda need to hack it.

    Since our UV stuff is really only meant for the most simple of cases, I would suggest using Sketchup to apply bitmaps that need complicated UV operations. Then create a linked material in VRay to use that Sketchup material. But if you only need to provide a width/height or repeat then our editor should suffice.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Speedy joeb!

      First : congratulations for your speedy answer.
      Second : i'll try in Planar World XYZ UVW mode and testing your parameters.
      I'll try simple applicate texture via Skp.

      Many thx.


      • #4
        Arf!...can't correctly applicate a bitmap

        That's the hell I described refering texture scaling post and ... cool an answer I understand...

