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Thank you for the tutorials....We need more of those?

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  • Thank you for the tutorials....We need more of those?

    Hi all,

    I would like to thank the Asgvis team for the tutorial section that is finally working.
    Without these tutorials i would just be rendering a black surface instead of a nice scene. ;D
    It saves a lot of frustration and needless experimenting having some good tutorials.

    I would like to take the opportunity in this thread to ask other users which tutorial subjects they would like to see covered as well.

    This is my wishlist:

    1. Detailed Explanation of 'environment/sky/sun/HDRI' setup.
    2. How to tune 'irradiance map' parameters.
    3. detailed explanation of 'Phong' material parameters

    Another suggestion:
    Would it be possible to upload the example .skp files used in the tutorial section?
    This can be easily done by putting them on Googles '3Dwarehouse' so they are available for experimenting.

    Keep it up Asgvis.
    Tutorials make it worth to try Vray for Sketchup.


  • #2
    Re: Thank you for the tutorials....We need more of those?

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll see if I can get the sketchup files posted along with the tutorials.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Thank you for the tutorials....We need more of those?

      a tutorial with scr shots about saving irradience map and merging it and other things about animation would be very nice and helpful to me about the project i am working on rite now :P

      Onur Olguner<br />Architect<br />METU &#39;07<br />


      • #4
        Re: Thank you for the tutorials....We need more of those?

        So, in case you haven't checked there is a new tutorial about using lights with VfSU. It goes over GI, HDRs, Point lights, Rec Lights and some Light emitting geometry. Enjoy.

        As for tutorials that are on the chopping block here's a few

        1. Materials (w comparison charts)
        2. A basic whats what of Vray Sun/Sky/Phys Cam
        3. Experimental workflow with Vray Sun/Sky/Phys Cam
        4. Total explanation of Irradiance Mapping
        5. Animation with VfSU

        The materials one is definitely next, but as far as what comes after that I'm not sure. If you guys have any suggestions on what should be next, or what topics need a tutorial, give a post and we'll see what we can do. Hope the Lighting tut is helpful
        Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

