Hi all,
I would like to thank the Asgvis team for the tutorial section that is finally working.
Without these tutorials i would just be rendering a black surface instead of a nice scene. ;D
It saves a lot of frustration and needless experimenting having some good tutorials.
I would like to take the opportunity in this thread to ask other users which tutorial subjects they would like to see covered as well.
This is my wishlist:
1. Detailed Explanation of 'environment/sky/sun/HDRI' setup.
2. How to tune 'irradiance map' parameters.
3. detailed explanation of 'Phong' material parameters
Another suggestion:
Would it be possible to upload the example .skp files used in the tutorial section?
This can be easily done by putting them on Googles '3Dwarehouse' so they are available for experimenting.
Keep it up Asgvis.
Tutorials make it worth to try Vray for Sketchup.
I would like to thank the Asgvis team for the tutorial section that is finally working.
Without these tutorials i would just be rendering a black surface instead of a nice scene. ;D
It saves a lot of frustration and needless experimenting having some good tutorials.
I would like to take the opportunity in this thread to ask other users which tutorial subjects they would like to see covered as well.
This is my wishlist:
1. Detailed Explanation of 'environment/sky/sun/HDRI' setup.
2. How to tune 'irradiance map' parameters.
3. detailed explanation of 'Phong' material parameters
Another suggestion:
Would it be possible to upload the example .skp files used in the tutorial section?
This can be easily done by putting them on Googles '3Dwarehouse' so they are available for experimenting.
Keep it up Asgvis.
Tutorials make it worth to try Vray for Sketchup.