Having dowloaded the new version (for SU6) I tried rendering one of my existing models and found it rendered badly - very contrasty and saturated. I checked the settings and found that some of the default settings were different. I unchecked the Correct RGB and Correct LDR boxes and it then rendered exactly the same as with the previous release.
However the 'multiplier' in the texture box seems to keep reverting to 1 even though I have set say 0.5
Also, not to sure about the new icons on the toolbar - they seem a little weak, visually, when compared with the adjacent SU icons, but I guess I'll get used to them.
Looking forward to trying out the new stuff - when I can figure out what it means!!
Thanks guys
However the 'multiplier' in the texture box seems to keep reverting to 1 even though I have set say 0.5
Also, not to sure about the new icons on the toolbar - they seem a little weak, visually, when compared with the adjacent SU icons, but I guess I'll get used to them.
Looking forward to trying out the new stuff - when I can figure out what it means!!
Thanks guys