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multiple rendering

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  • multiple rendering

    we are searching of multiple rendering (sequence frame rendering of camera position)
    we have trying to render using 'pages' ( scetchup options ) but how we understand v-ray don't recognize this ....
    what are you suggest us to approach this possibility ?

  • #2
    Re: multiple rendering

    We will render between pages as an animation. So if you enable Animation in the output section of our Options then you can render the sequence. If you do not really want an animation, but just a sequence of still images, then make sure you set your frame rate accordingly.
    Best regards,
    Joe Bacigalupa

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: multiple rendering

      please check our options v-ray & scetchup , it's what you mean ?
      no sequence ! we have 3 scene and it do just 3 times 1st scene !


      • #4
        Re: multiple rendering

        Do you have Batch Render Enabled in Global Switches...with out that the animation of the sequence won't work. Other than that as long as the sequence goes directly from page to page it looks as though that set up should work.
        Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


        • #5
          Re: multiple rendering

          as you see all switched on
          cuold you send us your options of v-ray & sketchup


          • #6
            Re: multiple rendering

            I've never tried this before - so I'll put together a test scene and see if I run into problems, I'll let you know how it turns out
            Best regards,
            Joe Bacigalupa

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              Re: multiple rendering

              Hi Mado, Joe B,

              I was able to do 3 images directly from Sketchup.
              Settings Animation in Sketchup :
              Enable scene transition ON 1 seconds / Scene Delay 0

              V-RAY animation with 1 FPS.

              The weird thing :
              I have set up 3 differents scenes in SU, but V-Ray didn't calculate the last one. He duplicated the first one twice...
              I just cloned the last scene in SU, then he did duplicate the last render..
              but I have my 3 different views rendered ...just had to erase the cloned one

              Bug ?


              • #8
                Re: multiple rendering

                It may depend on whether the pages are set up as individual scenes or as an animation. If its just pages, then I don't think it would work. If it is set up as an animation, then it should.
                Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                • #9
                  Re: multiple rendering

                  I found a couple issues on the VfS side and Sketchup side. One weird thing I noticed - Sketchup pays attention to the transition time even if you have it disabled. So you need to set it to be 0 even if you have it disabled.

                  On the VFS side I found that our timing isn't lined up 100% with SketchUp. We duplicate the first frame, so the last frame gets skipped. So - to hack this together I believe you just need to add a duplicate last frame, and make sure your scene transition is set to 0 and your page time is 1 sec. Then I believe you should be good to go. I'm going to try it again from scratch to make sure I haven't left anything out.
                  Best regards,
                  Joe Bacigalupa

                  Chaos Group


                  • #10
                    Re: multiple rendering

                    is this problem solved; does it work? I really much like to leave my pc all night to render all the scenes...
                    Onur Olguner<br />Architect<br />METU &#39;07<br />


                    • #11
                      Re: multiple rendering

                      it does note save the files in the end; It just renders them when it is supposed to save as png...

                      ps. I just noticed if u select png to save the file as it'll put a ")" at the and...

                      Can that be the problem of the export?
                      Onur Olguner<br />Architect<br />METU &#39;07<br />


                      • #12
                        Re: multiple rendering

                        I did a quick test (VfSU 1.5 + SU 7.1)
                        My setup was:
                        SketchUp: Scene delay @1 Sec, Scene transitions @0 Sec. I made two scenes each has different camera location and daytime.
                        VfSU: Animation On, 1 Fps.

                        I've tried Jpg and Png outputs, both were saved automatically with no problem.

                        1. First scene (page) were rendered and saved twice.
                        2. Sun position (shadows) in the 2nd scene was the same as in 1st.

                        If would be nice to know how to overcome those issues.
                        SU 8
                        VfS 1.48.89
                        Win 7 64-bit


                        • #13
                          Re: multiple rendering

                          I've successfully rendered different sun position multiple renders. I think there must be a problem with your settings. Maybe radiance map or any other map from 1. render is being saved and used again. I even changed the default of the north direction in a scene and rendered it like that (no sun on one facade makes it seem all depressive :P )

                          I donno whenever I put png it gives me no saved files

                          And as I input it it always seem like this:


                          I cannot get rid of the ")" whatever I do... I think either i am skipping something or there is a bug.. I will try it again after my render. Its not a big problem since TGA alsa gives me black map which helps me trim the background in photoshop. But it would be nice to have png file
                          Onur Olguner<br />Architect<br />METU &#39;07<br />


                          • #14
                            Re: multiple rendering

                            Originally posted by epinox
                            I think there must be a problem with your settings.
                            It's definitely the settings. I've loaded different Visopt. file and all the sun position and camera settings worked. But still the 1st scene rendered twice.
                            SU 8
                            VfS 1.48.89
                            Win 7 64-bit


                            • #15
                              Re: multiple rendering

                              Does any of this still apply? i am trying to do multiple renderings with vray version 1.48.89 with SU 7.1
                              i've had no luck yet

