Hi all, I've just searched through this forum but no joy to my query. I'm wondering if its possible to create a gradient background for 2 colours of my choice. I thought using blend might work in combination with AColor for both tecture slots but no joy so far. Is a photoshopped bitmap the only way to achieve this?
Additionally, what do the nultiplier's & colour swatch next to the GI(skylight) & background options on the VfSU options box do. The reason I ask is that when using a sky for both settings, you have a multiplier within the common box of the texure editor and I haven't read anywhere that gives a detailed explanation of each control or where these settings are best applied to.
Additionally, what do the nultiplier's & colour swatch next to the GI(skylight) & background options on the VfSU options box do. The reason I ask is that when using a sky for both settings, you have a multiplier within the common box of the texure editor and I haven't read anywhere that gives a detailed explanation of each control or where these settings are best applied to.