hey i was wondering if i could get as much input as that Tadoa church thread got
i rendered this image and like a lot of the exterior renders i make i usually get this sort of hazy cloudy pail output (quite descriptive hey?)
and then after some photoshop, contrast, colour, levels
the rusult is alot better than the original, i was wondering weather i could get a clearer/richer output with less photoshop (im not trying to avoid photoshop just want more to work with) mostly i would like to know what makes the render cloudy like that
i used a medium IR preset altered for exterior shot (shutter spead 125, F thingy 125, environment and background on)
any help would be very appreciated
i rendered this image and like a lot of the exterior renders i make i usually get this sort of hazy cloudy pail output (quite descriptive hey?)
and then after some photoshop, contrast, colour, levels
the rusult is alot better than the original, i was wondering weather i could get a clearer/richer output with less photoshop (im not trying to avoid photoshop just want more to work with) mostly i would like to know what makes the render cloudy like that
i used a medium IR preset altered for exterior shot (shutter spead 125, F thingy 125, environment and background on)
any help would be very appreciated