I'm pretty new to the software but getting the picture a bit.
I'm trying to make my own furniture en textures. I want to make furniture that looks realistic and not flat. This is pretty hard to create but I'm getting better at it.
The problem I ran into is the textures. I've made the sides of the chair a bit round so you get a more reastic chair but my texture doesn't look right. Some kind of distortion shows up in my texture (at the roundings). I've made the rounding a little more flat but still I see some distortions.
I've used just the standaard setting for my UWV and Bumb setting:
UWV: Texture Mapping: Explicit Map Channel
UWV transform: U: 0.1
V: 0.1
Bitmap: Filter: Mip-map Blur: o tile
I know ther are other settings but I don't really understand those.
I've included a render of my chair to show you what I mean.
I hope somebody can help me with this problem, cause it's pretty important to get your furniture nicely textured. At least to get a realistic render.
Thanks in advance,
I'm pretty new to the software but getting the picture a bit.
I'm trying to make my own furniture en textures. I want to make furniture that looks realistic and not flat. This is pretty hard to create but I'm getting better at it.
The problem I ran into is the textures. I've made the sides of the chair a bit round so you get a more reastic chair but my texture doesn't look right. Some kind of distortion shows up in my texture (at the roundings). I've made the rounding a little more flat but still I see some distortions.
I've used just the standaard setting for my UWV and Bumb setting:
UWV: Texture Mapping: Explicit Map Channel
UWV transform: U: 0.1
V: 0.1
Bitmap: Filter: Mip-map Blur: o tile
I know ther are other settings but I don't really understand those.
I've included a render of my chair to show you what I mean.
I hope somebody can help me with this problem, cause it's pretty important to get your furniture nicely textured. At least to get a realistic render.
Thanks in advance,