I made a displacementmap for corrugated metal sheets. Got it working. However, I'd like the displacement map to go inwards, not outwards?
I tried putting in a negative multiplier, but that only seemed to make it flat with some weird shadings.
(As I type this I got an idea; maybe I can just reverse the faces..? some double sided material..)
From the manual I thought that if the global Displacement setting, Amount, was set to 1, then the displacement map Multiplier value related to model units. But it's not.
I suppose I'm interpreting this incorrect..?
I made a displacementmap for corrugated metal sheets. Got it working. However, I'd like the displacement map to go inwards, not outwards?
I tried putting in a negative multiplier, but that only seemed to make it flat with some weird shadings.
(As I type this I got an idea; maybe I can just reverse the faces..? some double sided material..)
From the manual I thought that if the global Displacement setting, Amount, was set to 1, then the displacement map Multiplier value related to model units. But it's not.
The Amount value may possibly be the most important value within the rollout, as this value will determine the scale of all displacement. The Amount value is the number of scene units of an object with the texture multiplier set to 1. This means that one could adjust the affect of displacement through either the Amount value or the texture multiplier, but because the Amount value affects all displacement, it is recommended that it be left constant and the texture multiplier be used to adjust the displacement of an individual material.