Damian, I hope you will be able to point me in the correct direction. I've been reading many topics on this site regarding LWF and separate ones on colour bleeding.
I have read that you have said VfSU is already setup for LWF; I assume this is with LDR and RGB correction enabled but what other settings should be set when trying to attain physically correct renders? I have read many topics on the Chaos Group site and LWF is indeed a confusing topic with the variety of methods suggested (Throb's 0.64 colour correction curve, Lele's .255 method, 0.4545 Inverse gamma method etc...) I would prefer to go down the .255 method however I am unsure if I need to change any settings to use this workflow.
I have been testing with a variety of settings however nomatter what I do, in a current interior model that I am currently working on (white walls, timber floor etc..) I am unable to stop or noticably reduce the colour bleeding from the floor onto the walls without performing a precalc using a white material on the floor ( I have a feeling that doing this would provide an incorrect physical solution with more light being bounced due to the white surface). One of the features of LWF is to reduce colour bleeding but I haven't been able to achieve this yet, even applying the .255 texture multiplier to the floor material. I expected with the darker material that less colour would bleed onto the wall but it wasn't the case. Any suggestions?
PS Using IM+LC, linear colour mapping set to 1-1, system gamma both at 2.2
I have read that you have said VfSU is already setup for LWF; I assume this is with LDR and RGB correction enabled but what other settings should be set when trying to attain physically correct renders? I have read many topics on the Chaos Group site and LWF is indeed a confusing topic with the variety of methods suggested (Throb's 0.64 colour correction curve, Lele's .255 method, 0.4545 Inverse gamma method etc...) I would prefer to go down the .255 method however I am unsure if I need to change any settings to use this workflow.
- Should I have Correct LDR enabled?
- Should I have Correct RGB enabled?
- What gamma settings would normally be applied?
- Does the sRGB button come into play with the method?
I have been testing with a variety of settings however nomatter what I do, in a current interior model that I am currently working on (white walls, timber floor etc..) I am unable to stop or noticably reduce the colour bleeding from the floor onto the walls without performing a precalc using a white material on the floor ( I have a feeling that doing this would provide an incorrect physical solution with more light being bounced due to the white surface). One of the features of LWF is to reduce colour bleeding but I haven't been able to achieve this yet, even applying the .255 texture multiplier to the floor material. I expected with the darker material that less colour would bleed onto the wall but it wasn't the case. Any suggestions?
PS Using IM+LC, linear colour mapping set to 1-1, system gamma both at 2.2