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You should look at this!

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  • #16
    Re: You should look at this!

    Do you mean VRay doesn't let you browse and save your exported Linked material when you right click a Linked material and choose "export"?
    Thats right. In the vray materials editor, if I right click on a linked material, then I get the drop down menu, which includes 'export', but when I click on it the screen just blinks and nothing happens - no browser - no nothing. I thought it was because maybe you cannot export a linked material, but if you reckon that you can, then maybe there is a setting wrong somewhere?

    Sketchup 2015
    Vray version 2.00


    • #17
      Re: You should look at this!

      Ok I think I've sorted it!
      The linked material I was trying to export started life as a sketchup material <Charcoal>. It turns out that windows won't accept the <> characters and thus wont open a browse window.
      I have gone back to sketchup and started again, no <> this time, linked to 'charcoal' and was then able to export it!
      So looks like I'm back in business.
      I can now create a file of 'linked materials' with reflections etc and then just pull them in when I want them.
      In fact I'm thinking of including them in my sketchup template file so that they are there when I start. Sounds good to me - so I'll give it a go and let you know if it works.

      Thanks for the tips etc.

      Sketchup 2015
      Vray version 2.00


      • #18
        Re: You should look at this!

        Still if do that way , the bump will be in place?


        • #19
          Re: You should look at this!

          The bump map is mapped according to the texture mapping in SU until you mess around with scale and rotation in VRay material editor.


          • #20
            Re: You should look at this!

            Danger Oux

            OK, so now I can save the 'linked-material'. How do I re-link it when I import it. I have tried setting up a new model, used 'chrome' as a material, applied to the model then imported my 'linked_chrome' but it did not actually link. Not sure what I am doing wrong here. (Maybe this is the time to wait for the final update which is a major sort out of materials)


            Sketchup 2015
            Vray version 2.00


            • #21
              Re: You should look at this!


              You have to add the material from SU in the VRay Material Editor using "Add VRay LinkedMtl" then right click on that material and choose Import, then browse to the Linked Material you saved before. It's totally illogical as selecting "Add VRay LinkedMtl" doesn't appear to do anything of the sort- it simply adds your SU material to the Vray Material Editor while "import" actually adds or links the saved VRay Linked Material. :

              It's also vital that the SU material has exactly the same name as the saved Vray Linked Material (except the Vray Linked Material will have the "Linked_" prefix of course) or it won't link.

              Hope this helps!


              • #22
                Re: You should look at this!

                Danger Oux

                Thanks a million, that helps a lot. You are a genius to have worked this one out.

                Just tried your method and got it to work.
                The naming of materials in a logical and consistent way was where I started with all this, so now I can get on with it.


                Sketchup 2015
                Vray version 2.00


                • #23
                  Re: You should look at this!

                  haha, never been called that before! :-[ Sadly, it was more a case of trying different combinations until one worked- like discovering that you have to tick the "reflection" check box and set a totally black reflection map to get clip mapping to work : LOL.


                  • #24
                    Re: You should look at this!

                    I like Vray for SketchUp.


                    • #25
                      Re: You should look at this!

                      Ok ... I've read that to scale Vray material first of all I have to assign material in SU and scale that one... that should make the problem dissapear... but it doesn't ...

                      I've made the Vray material and I've put it on a surface, then assigned to the same area material from SU and scaled it (right click -> texture -> position -> and the green pin to scale rotate ) , but when I render there is no change in Vray material, it's in so small scale that you can't see it, just the color is right ( if I make the max zoom to the wall the texture appears )

                      Can anybody please tell me what am I doing wrong ?
                      Sorry for my eanglish, I hope I've explained it well.
                      best regards


                      • #26
                        Re: You should look at this!

                        I think it is simply the order in which you've carried this out. If you apply a material in vray it will over-ride a sketchup material, so applying the sketchup material after the vray one will not work.

                        1 create the material in SKETCHUP
                        2 size, position, rotate the material in SKETCHUP
                        3 Then create a linked vray material, linking to the sketchup material.
                        4 You should not need to apply this, as it is already applied in sketchup.

                        (However, you may find with your example that because you have already applied a vray material to a surface, that you may have to re-apply the new linked material)

                        Hope this helps

                        Sketchup 2015
                        Vray version 2.00


                        • #27
                          Re: You should look at this!

                          dcauldwell, thanks for the answer

                          ...but the materials still doesn't work properly

                          I've done as you wrote
                          1) assign material ( named wooden_floor ) in Sketchup to some surface
                          2) rescale, position and rotate the material in Sketchup
                          3) create v ray linked material ( right click on a surface with wooden_floor -> v ray for sketchup -> create material -> VraylinkedMtl -> choose from the list ( wooden_floor ) -> in the vray material editor right click on the new material "linked_wooden_floor" -> import -> i've chosen "wooden_floor.vismat" and I have put the bitmaps in the right places
                          4) closes the material editor and render

                          99% of the vray materials I've tried wasn't in the right scale. Funny thing is that the only one material that worked was different with the one that i've used in Sketchup, and had diffrent name, and the are truly linked, without doing Vraylinked materials just by applying material...but it worked just that one time ...

                          Am I doing something wrong ?
                          Maybe i should reinstal the sketchup and v-ray plug-in, and that would help ?
                          I would be really thankful if someone could help me.




                          • #28
                            Re: You should look at this!

                            -> in the vray material editor right click on the new material "linked_wooden_floor" -> import -> i've chosen "wooden_floor.vismat" and I have put the bitmaps in the right places
                            This is the bit that is confusing me and where the problem may lie. I don't know what wooden_floor.vismat is like, but almost certainly it is not the same as the sketchup "wooden_floor". I suspect that the vray one is overwriting the sketchup one, and thus will require its own scaling.
                            The "wooden_floor" included with sketchup is very small and low resolution, and will only stand scaling to about 500mm, whereas the vray one is probably much (much) larger so is being re-scaled (maybe) to the same size as the scetchup one, and is thus rendering to the sketchup scale rather that the scale of the material sample.

                            If you do introduce the "import" material then, if you want consistent results, it needs to be the same material as the one you have applied in sketchup. The only reason for importing, as I have said earlier in this thread, is because you have already worked on this material, added various layers (bump etc), have saved it previously and want to acheive the same results.

                            Try again - good luck

                            Sketchup 2015
                            Vray version 2.00


                            • #29
                              Re: You should look at this!

                              Actually first of all I have created material in sketch up using the bitmap file for diffuse (wood.JPG) which was in the folder with wooden_floor.vismat (509KB, I have copied it in the place where all bitmaps for skecthup are and saved it as wooden_floor.JPG ) ... so I think thats not the problem, beacause the bitmaps in vray material is exactly the same as in sketchup

                              I have seen that in the my files folder appeared update VRayForSketchUp-2008-02-12-1428.
                              Do you think that may solve my problem ? Is it with some new licens to buy ?




                              • #30
                                Re: You should look at this!

                                OK, I've sorted it. (in between cutting the grass!)
                                You don't need to import the vismat in your stage (3), bu if you do, when you check this you will find that the link to the file has been broken. If you do import the vismat into the linked material, go in and edit the linked files to re-establish the link.

                                I just tried it:-

                                1 applied material in sketchup - rendered ok
                                2 created vray linked material, added bump - rendered ok
                                3 imported vray vismat file - didn't render properly
                                4 edited vismat files to re-establish links - now renders ok

                                Good Luck - I'm getting back to gardening!!


                                Sketchup 2015
                                Vray version 2.00

