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HDRI problems

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  • HDRI problems

    hello folks
    How can i get shadows if i'm using HDRI for GI. I think shadows provide by SKY (GI) looks fine in exterior scenes but, HDRI gives nicer results except for the shadows. Is there a way to mix them... :-\
    Juan Carlos

  • #2
    Re: HDRI problems

    Check my Audi tt post
    I just enable the sketchup shadows. I post a image in the nomeradona's tutorial
    where I use also HDRI for background and GI, and I did the same thing.
    You can use also additional lights( invisible), to make objects to generate shadows.
    Good luck!


    • #3
      Re: HDRI problems

      can you put the direction of that post... don't know where to find them :'(
      Juan Carlos


      • #4
        Re: HDRI problems


        • #5
          Re: HDRI problems

          thanks stefanq

          i was reading your posts and i've reached a conclusion. i need to put an onmi light in my scene if i want to get the shadows i want. am i right???
          Juan Carlos


          • #6
            Re: HDRI problems

            I did that, but I burned the image.Just enable the sketchup sun (Display Shadows button), and adjust the shadows as you like to be.
            That's all.


            • #7
              Re: HDRI problems

              Juan, I forgot to tell you one more thing, and I'm sorry...beside the sun via scketchup, check the "default lights" in the global switches.Default lights means the sun.
              And you can post your render to see what kind of scene do you have.
              Also, you can download my "Audi TT" scene, if you like the result, where you can check my settings and where you can find also my hdri map, witch it's a very good map.
              I'm not the best "teacher" like other people are here, but I really want to help, when I have the opportunity,so I hope that I helped you too.


              • #8
                Re: HDRI problems

                don't worry stefanq you're a very good teacher ;D thanx for everything.

                i tried what you said about the default lights but haven't got anything :-\ when i set a HDRI for my GI light, inmediatly, the options to set the shadows dessapear. so don't know where to modify those.


                ... wait a second... you're trying to tell me that i just have to render my scene whit the sketchup shadows turned on???
                Juan Carlos


                • #9
                  Re: HDRI problems

                  Yes bro!


                  • #10
                    Re: HDRI problems

                    hey, just need some help with the same issue..every time i place an hdri for the environment, i never get that kind of background as what you did on your audi tt..could you please give me your settings on how get a good hdri background..i guess im doing something wrong..i tried the settings on the manual but still i don't get the right image..the hdri background i get is a blurred image..not visible and crisp one as yours.. thanks...
                    MADE IN THE PHILIPPINES !!


                    • #11
                      Re: HDRI problems

                      Hi aldz, you can download my "audi tt" scene, where you can find the HDRI file too. You have there all that you need.
                      Good luck!
                      P.S. About the blurred look of your hdri, maybe it's a blurred version, witch it's suitable for illumination, so download my scene, get my hdri file witch it's a very good quality one(@ MB)
                      and put it as "spherical map" as mapping type.

