Now I hope i dont piss anyway off with these questions, but I have to ask. Now we all know how limited sketchup can be, especially when considering large scale modeling and animation so I am kind of forced to ask this, but how similar is vray for 3d max to vray for SU? My ultimate intention is to model what I can in SU and then take it into max, because its no secret that Vray is more powerful in max, and render it there. Has anybody had experience with this? And what are some of the difficulties I would face? Any reason not to do this? Anyone with any info, please fill me in, because im just trying to not limit myself due to SU's limitations. So I hope i did not rub anyone the wrong way, because that is not my intention. I just figured there is a lot of well versed people on here that would be able to help me out. Thank you in advance for any help.