I remember someone asking a similar question a few months ago, but I can't find any answer. I'm using VfSU V.1.00 (reverted from SR1 because of problems with existing skp/VfSU models), but the question should apply to any version of VfSU- if SU's UV mapping is a bit screwed up, or VfSU's materials don't match up with those that have been applied in SU, does anyone know of a way (even by editing the skp file in a text editor) to completely reset or delete all the VfSU materials. I don't mean simply deleting them from VfSU's material editor as (in V.1.00) this still leaves them mapped incorrectly. I'd just like to completely purge an skp/VfSU file so it's as if no VfSU linked materials had been applied.
I ask this because when I work on a "fresh", but pretty much finished skp file, applying VfSU linked materials it generally behaves itself, but when I start doing major edits or especially copyclip in skp/VfSU geometry from other models it often gets screwed up. In these cases it would be much easier and quicker to reset the whole model and apply VfSU linked materials from scratch.
Thanks in advance,
I ask this because when I work on a "fresh", but pretty much finished skp file, applying VfSU linked materials it generally behaves itself, but when I start doing major edits or especially copyclip in skp/VfSU geometry from other models it often gets screwed up. In these cases it would be much easier and quicker to reset the whole model and apply VfSU linked materials from scratch.
Thanks in advance,