Hi all,
It has been a while since I used Vray, but I am happy to try it again on the SR1.5.
I must say, great improvements there!
The only thing that bothers me a bit, though, is the very long export time when hitting the render button.
I know ungrouping/exploding components and groups helps, but in a lot of models you just don't want to do that as it can ruin your geometry.
Don't know why the export routine changed from the first Vray version as I can't see the difference in render quality (the moderators say the export is more accurate).
So unless we get the quicker parsing method back as an option, I am all ears to know if there are methods to overcome this.
For a final rendered image I don't mind the longer parsing time, but since Good rendering is about trial and error and making a shitload of test renders, the current parsing time kills the workflow .
On my 8-core rig, the parsing of the file takes considerably more time than the rendering itself...seriously
It has been a while since I used Vray, but I am happy to try it again on the SR1.5.
I must say, great improvements there!
The only thing that bothers me a bit, though, is the very long export time when hitting the render button.
I know ungrouping/exploding components and groups helps, but in a lot of models you just don't want to do that as it can ruin your geometry.
Don't know why the export routine changed from the first Vray version as I can't see the difference in render quality (the moderators say the export is more accurate).
So unless we get the quicker parsing method back as an option, I am all ears to know if there are methods to overcome this.
For a final rendered image I don't mind the longer parsing time, but since Good rendering is about trial and error and making a shitload of test renders, the current parsing time kills the workflow .
On my 8-core rig, the parsing of the file takes considerably more time than the rendering itself...seriously